Balance is the law. Karma maintains balance. Obey the law and your characters life will become a symphoney.
It is one of your characters objectives, in The Game of Separation, to first unbalance things, then to consciously allow those unbalanced things back into balance. I use he word "objective" because the soul experience is to "observe" what our characters will do in any given set of circumtances.
First and foremost, Karma is a tool for maintaining balance. Suffice to say, the necessity of the tool requires an imbalance in order to have a purpose. So balancing Karma is about experiencing an imbalance, then allowing things back into balance. The easiest way to maintain a balance, is allowing the balance to Be.
A material Expereince has both a mental and an emotional requirement.
The mental requirement is a thought of something, like an idea to go skating. A thought is an image of something, a picture projected, by your mind, about what it would look like for your character to go skating. I like to think of thoughts as "images expressed." An experience also requires an emotional element. Emotions are feelings expressed. Feelings are sensations located somewhere in the physical body.
I can describe how it feels to skate, and you can have a mental understanding, a picture in you mind, but you won't have the experience of skating until you strap on a pair of skates and FEEL what it's like to perform the activity your mind is projecting for your self.
Remember: Any physical sensation ie. feeling, can and often is expressed differently from one character to the next. One person can express jumping out of an airplaine with excitement; where as, another may express jumping out of a plane with fear, or maybe relief if the airplaine is about to crash! It's entirely your characters free will to choose. No one, or anything, can force your character what to choose.
Same with abuse. If I abuse you, I can't know what that feels like until I'm abused in a similare way myself, no matter how well you describe the abuse. Many characters interpret Karma as a "WRONG" perpetrated on another; however, it's important to remember that a so called "wrong" is an agreement between two souls, or group of souls, for they're characters to experience something other than love, just to see if the characters involved can return to love, regardless of the "wrong" committed.
THAT, in a nutshell, is the purpose for part-icipating, in The Game of Separation, for your character to experience love regardless of circumstances involved between the charcters. It's easy to love when everything is peaches and cream. Not so easy when your character is biting down on a shit sandwhich.
Many of the things unbalancing a character are avoided by the character. In most cases, characters build defence mechanisms to assit them in avoiding things the charcter/personality/ego-self judges as bad, MOSTLY based on the physical sensation of the experience, causing your character to think about ways to avoid that sensation.
From my observation, Karmic imbalances; as oposed to garden variety imbalances, seem to focus around the sensation of Shame. Which makes sense if we consider that shame is found at the cellular level. Our characters feel deeply that they did something wrong, but it's too uncomfortable to admit, even to themselves.
So the energy of it, which composes all things, get's buried, pushed down, hidden away somewhere in your body. Somewhere deep, maybe even in the marrow of your bones. Shame is the toughest sensation of them all, because its embeded in ever one of our cells. Shame was the nail that drove the separation between personality and your true nature as Spirit home.
"A held energy system," is another way to look at the lable "Karmic Imbalance." when energy gets held in the body it causes a whole system of Mental, Emotional, and Physical effects, the degree to which corespond with the intensity of the held energy.
Instead of simply experiencing the sensation, our ego-selves convince our characters to be afraid of it; thus, avoiding the feeling of shame. That sensation isn't allowed to move. The "energy" gets held in the body until its dealt with. In the case of a Karmic imbalance, the energy may be, and often is, held over many incarnations. "Oh Lord it's hard to be humble!"
To make things even more challenging, over the course of those incarnations the Karmic imbalance escalates in degree! It boils down to to an atitude that believes: "If you hurt me I'll hurt you back!" Then over the course of many lifetimes, the two characters go back and forth hurting each other, each time adding another layer to all the reasons the two characters NEVER forgive the other for what they did?
Way way back, in the first incarnation the slight might have started as an accident. Now after thousands of lifetimes you're ready to murder the other person, if you havn't already in a different incarnation. The attitude looking to hurt, is looking for punishment, not justice. It's a judgement; rather than an observation.
Karma is about balance, about justice. About observing your character, without judgement, as it goes about gaining experience. The only way to balance YOUR own Karma is to take responability for YOUR creation and ALL the imbalances YOU caused, over many lifetimes.
You're still under "contract" until your debt is paid. The Karmic bank always gets it's due. You may consciuosly choose to balace your Karma, if not consciously, it will be balanced for you.
It needs to to be able to stand apart, look at itself, and experience that love for itself. This is most effective if the part that is looking perceives itself to be separate from the whole and yet loves the whole as though it were not separate. You reasoned that the greatest joy would come when a part of yourself that perceived itself as separate would come to love the whole by its own volition. So you decided to continue with the emergence of separate vantage points even though you saw a potential risk for the species.
As a group, you tried an amazing experiment, something very bold, and certainly unique in the universe. You decided to erase all knowledge and feeling of your intimate oneness with the Source from your now autonomous projections. You decided that a veil would be drawn between consciousness and Spirit at birth, so that a newborn would forget its true nature.
Thus the you reading this voluntarily subjected yourself to amnesia at birth. You erased all or most memory of your sprit nature at birth to see if your ego-self would figure out its true nature during its physical plane life? Or would you leave the physical plane still in ignorance, to be surprised on rejoining your spirit-self?
And how would your treat others of your own kind? Would you joyously revere the spirit evident in them and the planet, or would you feel so cut off from your own nature that you would deny the spirit in others? If so, would you see them as a threat and harm them?
You devised certain rules to guide these interactions within the game. Any exchange between two incarnees was to be balanced, either between them or between other incarnees of the same spirit-self, be it an act of kindness or cruelty. This balancing is what you have called the Law of Karma.
Please remember that the source did not impose this aspect of the game on you, and no-one is "keeping score." You and your fellow co-creators added this little twist. Karma has got some bad press because of a little misunderstanding. The law that one act of cruelty must be compensated for by another is just a limited, third-dimentional interpretation of Karma.
Cruelty could just as easily be compensated for by a subsequent act of kindness or by forgiveness on the part of the so-called victim. You hoped that, through these clues, your incarnations would eventually figure out what was happening, come out of your amnnesia, and get to the point of unconditional acceptance or love for the other amnesia suffers.
As an aside, remember that your spirit-selves operate in simultaneous time, so a karmic situation between X and Y in one lifetime could be balanced between Y and X in what you perceive as an earlier lifetime.
So, the whole point of your adopting a karma-based system was to create intense emotional situations to see how you, the physical plane ego-self aspects of yourselves, would react. Would you kill, steal, and fight out of fear, or would you act out love, to help, forgive, and acknowledge Spirit in others?
Of course, natal amnesia has to be total, but each lifetime holds the potential for awakening to your true nature. An unprompted realization of this nature and the wave of unconditional love that automatically follows allows you, the player in this cosmic game of hide-and-seek, to suddenly find the hider and realize that it was you all along.