When I was a kid I had a 'Rubik's Cube.' I didn't want to mess it up, but I couldn't help my self, so that's exactly what I did. I didn't know how to solve it afterword. The puzzle was a complete mystery. Eventually many of the kids in my class had one. One kid figured out how to solve it, reminding the rest of us, how to follow the steps, in order to solve the puzzle.
Soon we were having races to see who could solve it fastest. We amused ourselves until the novelty wore off. With so much practice the puzzle became easy, lacking the challenge it once held. A short time later a kid brought a 4x4 cubic puzzle to school. 'Rubik's Revenge!'
The exact same thing happened as the time we solved the previous puzzle. The 'Rubik's Revenge' took longer to figure out, but we applied a lot of the steps we remembered from solving the original puzzle and soon the mysteries of the new puzzle were conquered too. All year long we kept finding new puzzles to solve. Each one presenting a challenge, until we figured them out.
By the end of the school year, both cubes sat on my shelf at home, perfectly solved, collecting dust. Many years later, I can still remember how to solve the original puzzle, regardless how bad it gets messed up. However, if the puzzle sits on my shelf for a few years, I have to remind myself of the steps to solving it. The ones I remember, from all those years ago.
"Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle." ~ Lewis Carroll
Just like my youthful exploration of the Rubik's Cube, once you know who you are, the mystery falls away.
As you already know, any problem dissolves rather easily once you remember the steps to solving it. The Game of Separation is no different. This site will share with you what's going on, then offer a direction off the stage.
The 'Stage,' is the reality your Personality, labels; 'My Life.' The one that is separate from everyone elses. The one you create with your, Thoughts, Words, and Deeds. From another perspective, your personality is nothing more than a character, playing out a drama, written and directed...also by you.
The authentic you. Spiritual you. The part of you which knows with conviction: I Am that I Am. The part of you, off stage, guiding and directing the drama you experience during your waking hours.
The way off the stage begins with surrender. The first bit of mental gymnatics along a spiritual understanding, is to know that TRUE Power is complete surrender.
This site is intended for reminding you to remember your true nature of Spirit. How to conclude The Game of Separation.
First, allow me to let you in on the big secret, explaining what I mean by The Game of Separation. Then allow me to explain how you can bring the game to conclusion, returning yourself to your true identity as Spirit.
It's a lot like becoming a Jedi.
“To be Jedi is to face the truth, and choose. Give off light, or darkness. Be a candle, or the night.” – Yoda
"...A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind..." – Yoda
If you've decided you've had enough, I can help you cross the threshold; from seeing things as separate, back toward a unified existence.
If you've had enough experience seeing things through the conscious focal point of your ego-self and would rather see things from your true identity from the conscious focal point of your spirit-self, you might want to keep reading.
I'm sure you've heard someone tell you, "You're a Spiritual Being having a Human experience, not the other way around." They would be correct. Master Serapis explains.
Ascension is basically a change in frequency and a change in focus of consciousness. This book looks at energy as the "stuff" behind everything. This energy collaborates and combines in indescribably complex ways to form you, everything you know, and everything you don't know. The two major qualities or characteristics of energy are the amount, or amplitude, and the rate at which it vibrates, or frequency.
Your physical body, emotions, thoughts, and spirit are all made of this stuff, blended in ways that make you unique in all the universe. Because the energy you are has a frequency, you can change it. That's all ascension is. As you raise the rate of the lowest frequency energy in your physical body, it becomes less dense and incorporates energy of ever higher frequency.
As it does, you will see things and think things that were not possible before. You will literally become a fifth-dimensional being, operating on the fifth dimension, working with other fifth-dimensional beings. The low frequency stuff of fear and limitation will fall away and you will live in a state of what you would today call ecstasy, at one with your spirit and with the spirit of everyone else. That's Ascension.
We need to define another term. We will see that, in reality, the notion of your spirit, my spirit, his spirit, her spirit, and so on is linear, limiting, and just plain wrong. Once you get beyond the lowest levels of separation of the physical plane, there is just Spirit— an ever changing energy gestalt that has been called God, All that Is, the Source, the Great Spirit, and countless other names.
I use the capitalized word "Spirit" for this in cases where separation is unnecessary. In other cases, I use "spirit-self" to note an individualized portion of Spirit associated with you as an Incarnation and with all your co-incarnations across time, plus all the higher frequency nonphysical levels of your being. But, remember, this is a compromise made for explanation only, that there is just Spirit, and that I use the two terms interchangeably.
Spirit appears to individuate in order to perform a specific function such as being you. Spirit operates through the brilliant pinpoint of your consciousness, focused within your physical body. This is the you that knows itself as you, your personality, and is what I term "ego-self." You, the ego-self, are a manifestation of you the spirit-self, but the peculiar property of the ego-self is that it doesn't know that it is of Spirit— until now, that is!
The term "ego-self" is not used to diminish who you are in any way, but to shift your attention from our outward-looking ego to who you really are— an inward-looking focal point within your spirit-self, that in turn is what Spirit does. Or, to put it another way, you are Spirit-in-action...
Consciousness is what it's all about. Our consciousness, colectively and individually places Characteristics upon Things. We are all free to place any characteristic upon any Thing. Some Things are Forced, Some Things are Allowed.
As a collective function of Spirit we forced ourselves in very creative ways, to forget our true nature as ONE and experience things separately, which took a lot of ingenuity, a tremendous amount of courage and a promiss to return to our true nature once we reminded ourselves to remember what we did.
You're a Holographic Movie Projector. Even the most dense material aspects of the body are composed of energy. In very simple terms, human beings are a source of light expressing thoughts and feelings onto the world stage. But unlike viewing a simple '2D' picture in a theatre, humans also act out our roles in '3D'.
Your actions project outward showing you the movie of your life. Showing YOU 'That which IS.' Much like sitting in a movie theatre, watching a moving image, traveling through a source of light, being projected onto a screen.
Your life is a little different in the sense that you not only create your own movie, you're also the one acting it out. Remember: Like film in a movie projector, changing our expressions is just as easy, but you have to pay attention to what you're doing, in order to get the result you want.
You have to become conscious of what your doing in order to get the results you want.
By observing what we project we can each comprehend that those separate projections are contributing to the collective projection we experience together. Within each of us is both the starting point for the game, AND the means to bring the game to conclusion.
It's YOUR conscious ability to direct that consciousness that determins what you expereince in the game. The degree to which our individually projected movie looks ballanced out-world-ly, is the effect of the ballance we each cause in-world-ly.
Going Within yourself is simple. Going within your self is an exercise of paying attention to how you think, how you feel, and how you breathe.
That's it. It's that easy. Once you become conscious of these three things, the job becomes discerning if you're 'Forcing' Things, which your ego-self does to keep the game going, or if you're allowing Things to be, which your spirit-self does to bring the game to conclusion.
Allowing is the natural, organic, Powerful way, it's like breathing. Manipulating things is the synthetic, inorganic, Forceful way, it's like holding your breath. If you allow yourself to breathe you're able to sustain your life. If you hold your breath, you're unable to sustain your life.
In truth, your Charcter, (ego-self, personality) has 4 Bodies playing the game at different levels. once you accept the secret, The Objective becomes balancing the 4 separate bodies back into a unified whole with conscious intent.
There are 7 Universal Laws to ballance Things. Remember to use the Rules in harmoney. Just like playing an instrument.
There are obtacles keeping you from fulfilling your quest, just to make things a challenge. The 'Doingness' of your experiences and expressions, is your spirit-self in action, overcoming the obstacles while you go about Re-Minding your SELF to Re-Memeber, you are Spirit playing a Game of Separation.
You ReMind yourself by gathering clues, as you move around a circle. Another 'Cycle,' if you Will. You ReMind yourself in infinite ways. Discipline is required to Pay Attention to Your Self. To be aware of yourself, to consciously look for the reminders you placed for yourself to find, before you started the game. Chances are, reading here was also part of your plan. PAY ATTENTION!
Let's begin.
One of the first pit falls is believing you're a Human Being first and foremost. Being Human is only a role you're playing. Understanding how to adjust the role comes down to understanding your character.
Your birth date symbolizes a moment in time when you placed your character on the game board, simultaneously forgetting that you are only playing a character in a game.
Your current character is not who you are in the ultimate sense, it's just a role you're playing. The time and date of your birth; as well as, your birth name, come with inherent qualities, or Characteristics, making you a unique individual in a sea of many individuals.
Your Self is much larger in scope than most people know. The human character part of your Self has four distinctions worth remembering, which I, and others, term Bodies.
Not just the Physical one you can see, but non-physical ones too. Many non-physical bodies extend outward from your physical one. For now, lets focus on three of the non-physical ones. Imagine a balloon floating and spinning inside a larger one, which is also spinning, then those two inside one even bigger, then those three in yet one more even bigger one. each one spinning at they're own rate in an attempt to keep the WHOLE thing balanced.
Many of you have probably seen this list before. It's common knowledge for mystical types. For the average Joe, the three non-physical bodies are often never considered as they're own separate consciousness. Each of them have different desires, often they work against each other, creating the imbalances / obsicles / problems, etc, we experience in our lives.
We just have to remember to be aware of how we think and feel through our physical body in an effort to balance things out; then, instead of these three things working in opposition; they work together, creating intention. The Spiritual Body is the key that unlocks the ability for Characters to get things in balance, because IT IS the function of your Self observing what the other three are doing. ie, creating.
Ironically, as complicating as it all sounds right now, balancing our characters is as simple as paying attention, which doesn't cost a thing, but it does require discipline. If you can play The Game of Separation with Self discipline, you'll be laughing all the way home. With out it, the game is a struggle.
The Rules are all about remembering how to get things in balance. All fields of study, from mathamatics to psychiatry, follow the same rules. When you remember the rules and how to use them, you will understand how to put things in balance. The name of the game is "The Game of Separation," The rules to the game are about 'Balance.'
These Laws are commonly known as 'Hermetic Law.' They are age-old, applicable to every field of study, existing long before anyone decided to study anything. Unlike theories, Hermetic Laws are Self evident, meaning that each one is without argument.
The first one in particular, when understood, is really Enlightening! It sets the stage for the whole game, revealing the power within each of us to create anything and everything imaginable, including Life itself. When you know, without a question of a doubt, that: I AM the one creating the world around me by way of projecting my own MIND, you'll naturally start aligning with Spirit in order to create that world consciously.
When you figure out that you are the creator of your life; rather than, something outside of you creating it, you'll have an epiphany! You will finally know there is no one else to blame for all your problems. It allows you to state, with conviction: I Am the one creating my Life and the Life around me, whether or not I understand how I'm doing it.
These seven principles provide understanding for how you're creating things, but also train you to be conscious of what you INTEND to create. Remembering how to apply the laws above, frees you from bondage, allowing you to create anything imaginable.
It's a lot like turning into 'Spider Man.' With great power comes great responsibility. That's why it takes many lifetimes of trial and error in order to 'Temper' your soul in preparation for that responsibility.
The purpose of the obstacles are to keep the Game going. That's it. They are ALL those things keeping our characters from liberty. The biggest obstacle of all is my own ego-self.
“Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” ~ Matthew 16:23
Satan is just another name for your Ego. That's the function of your spirit-self, designed by you, to keep you from Freedom. The simple fact we all oppose something, and have preference is evidance of separation. What I'm sugesting is to take a leap of faith and consider the evidance in the context of a game you're playing.
Spirit uses things like the quote above to remind you where freedom, True Freedom, is hiding. Within your own mind. You're free to imagine anything you want. Prove me wrong.
Many people look for freedom in a lot of different ways by trying to change things outside themelves, applying a plethora of unsustainable solutions, left wondering how on Earth anything can be done to alleviate the many problems that plague them, let alone the problems of society in general.
Most people just don't understand that changing what they want to experience happens by changing what they project from within, which we are all free to do whenever and wherever we want, regardless of anything going on outside our selves.
Remember: Circumstances don't matter, only 'State of Being' Matters. ie. matter, material stuff, is created by YOUR; State of Being, not YOUR Circumstances.
The depth of our unbalanced society seems impossible for one person to fix. The problems are so vast they seem impossible for 'Humanity' to fix.
It's tough and seems a little selfish on the surface, but the most Selfless thing you can do is balance your own part of the world, giving permission for others to do the same. THEN Society will adjust to balance the reality you're projecting from within yourself.
Things will be much easier to change and transform, all by yourself, once you understand a bit more about how energy works, combined with the little known concept of Harmonic Resonance, that I promise to adress a little further along the road.
Sure there are Villians, hoarding the secrets of salvation, that's their agenda. The Villians' main goal is to keep us as far away from our spirit-self as possible.
It's the role they play in order to have a game in the first place. When you know what's going on Evil Characters stop being characters to fear and hate, turning into a necessity for playing the game instead.
Each morning when you wake up, A drama begins to unfold. All drama requires a conflict in order to move the story forward. It's part of the burden of being incarnate.
Never take your eye off the steak to focus on the peas. Your ultimate battle is not with things outside your self; rather, your own resistance to growth. Like a flower seed pushing through the darknes to reach the light.
Ascension is about ending all these outside battles, raising our frequency with conscious intent so low vibe stuff like fear and hate cease to exist.
Ascension is ending an illusion of separation which we as Spirit created so Source comes to know more about itself. The Golden Age of Aquarious is about becoming individuals within a common-unity; rather than, what we've already done. Become individuals separte from Unity.
The only reason ALL of us aren't experiencing a peaceful balanced society, right this instant, is simply because many of us have forgotten about the world within, and how to balance Body, Mind and Emotion.
Don't beat yourself up over it. We built a lot of different things into the game to make the game as realistic as possible, over many millennia. The tide IS turning. Personalities are figuring things out is mass, evident by all those characters coming together in unity and love within all the various protests going on all over the planet.
Tonnes of people are communicating that we're running out of time to fix things, but I know, regardless how mixed up my 'Rubik's Cube' gets, I can still solve it in no time at all; once I remember the steps. So relax, don't buy into any fear, or panic. Panicking takes all the fun out of the adventure.
Fear and worry make matters worse. It's another old trick we created for making the game realistic. We knew fear would stifle love from flowing, which is a key component in aligning our characters with Spirit, so we continue to vibrate at that frequency to keep the game going. Get it?
Many of us imagine the world as a scary place, ripe with danger, needing to be avoided; paradoxically, we have created a society that spends most of it's energy devising ways to keep us as far away from our within (hidden) Self as possible; perpetuating the problems without.
All because of a sensation in our body, which we call fear, that we avoid.
The only reaon I say the 'within' part is hidden, is because most of us avoid our own thoughts and feeings, largly unconscious of what we're individually projecting out, becoming part of a consenses reality.
Instead of reminding ourselves of the secrets needed to remember how to create anything we imagine, we're doing the opposite, because at some point, a long time ago, we bought into the belief that it was 'Shameful' and frightening to understand our true nature as Spirit.
Stay calm. As you shed some of the old programing, things will start moving quickly and love and joy will fill in the space of all that old low vibe stuff you don't need anymore.
In essence we collectivly gave our power away, just so we could play A Game of Separation. As a collection of functions of Spirit, we were curious to see just how far our individual functions and collective of functions could separate our SELVES from Spirit.
Our game has been a resounding success. But the show is over. Spirit is calling us home to be unified together in Love with a renewed desire for freedom.
Now, I'll readily admit, my idea is rather simple in theory: Remind people that they're playing a game and get them to play along by the rules provided.
But the process of it is actually quite large in scope, yet starts at the same point for all of us. My idea is the narrow path part of the Bible quote in Matthew 7:13-14:
"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."
If you consider the vastness of everything outside your Self, wouldn't going within your Self appear to be a rather narrow gate?
If you also consider that the vast majority of ALL people, walking Earth for thousands of years, disreguard a journey within, the quote above becomes less obscure and unattainable and more within the realm of possibility.
Does it not? You tell me. What is MORE within YOU, than your very own breath?
Your breath is a cycle. An inhale followed by and exhale, or visa versa. A circle of life without begining or end. The so called 'problems' surface, when we 'Force' ourselves to hold that life from flowing, instead of allowing it to be.
The Game of Separation is a circle, just like the inhale and exhale in a cycle of breath. The ultimate 'Lovers.' After we complete one cycle, we start over again. Each time we start over we make things a little more challenging, just for the fun of it.
Sometimes when I read about all the nefarious activity going on, all around the globe, I think we might have out done our Selves, but when I go within, I know there's no place like home! What I thought was reality is an 'actuality.' Some Thing I'm Acting out.
The decision to travel within and observe your self from this solely unique perspective is the beginning of the 'Hero's Journey,' as Joseph Campbell would term it, or 'The Fool's Journey,' from the perspective of the Tarot.
Adding strength of conviction to that decision, to see things through, is the way, or path toward a state of enlightenment and the experience of All there IS.
We just have to increase, raise, or otherwise expand what we are conscious of, step by step, allowing our feelings to guide us as we travel within. A Hero remembers to see where he is going by listening to her heart.
We must also allow for the fact there will be obstacles, detours and distractions throughout the process, making things a challenge. As long as we have a reliable blue print and a few tools, making it home is only a breath away.
The process can also be a great deal of fun, because we all align with Spirit following our own truest individual hearts desire, which is a tonne of fun to discover all on its own.
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. ~ Matthew 18:3
No one knows how to have more fun than a child at play. So fill your heart with joy, while wondering what the big picture will look like.
In a way, this site is me talking to my six year old self, trying to organize things, using familiar metaphors to help wrap my brain around complicating concepts. It's fun for me to do. It gives me joy and serves the light. Thats why I know it's my hearts desire.
I figure, knowledge is useless unless it's applied and shared, since most of the knowledge I've got rolling around in my head is either; hard to find, or hard to understand, or both, Why not write it down, in simplified form so anyone can grasp it. If I'm worth my salt as a writer, maybe you can understand what I'm so intent on sharing.
The first thing I want to do is talk a about how we got to this point in the first place. What kind of things make the game realistic, helping us forget we are Spirit only playing a Game of Separation.
If you already know, no worries. But, if you don't know, it may be helpful to bring you up to speed. Before I get to the four parts of your character, energy work, the art of intending, and other cool stuff, we need a common foundation for it all.
The Ascention Process is that foundation. Both Planetary and Personal Ascention is happening, regardless if you're aware of it or not.
But it's up to you to remember the reminders if you want to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. My job is to facilitate a comprehensive order for it all, helping you remember all this data I claim you've forgotten. And the only reason I'm reminding you, is because something elusive deep inside you, wants to remember it. Otherwise you wouldn't be here reading right now.
Consider: Reminders appear everywhere; the Net, books, personal experience, by accident and so forth. The reminders appear haphazardly too. Remember to identify them and figure out what part of the puzzle they belong, when the puzzle is ready for them. That's what I'm intending to remind you how to do.
Once you decide to take the plunge within, the distractions will start popping up. That's where Shadow Work comes in. I'll address dealing with all that in due time.
What I'm explaining here is ancient stuff. All the various mystery schools, in all the various societies, in all the various ages have covered it all already and all through the ages a few rules have always remained constant.
I'm not inventing anything new. Except a new way to look at THINGS, already explained throughout history. Very few of the words; therefore, you read on this site are original in thought. I'm just re-explaining things by putting separate pieces together. RE-MEMBERING things.
I have a lot of interesting ideas to remind you about, so you can remember how they work in order to create anything your heart desires and succeed at playing The Game of Separation.
Click NEXT if I've peaked your interest.