What is a "Thing?"
Anyone can change their clothes, but who they are underneath is still the same, they just look different on the outside.
Often characters want to change they're circumstances and situations, but find themselves experiencing the same obsticles, over and over again.
Many of us understand that this whole notion of Ascension and what it entails, can consist of many things; however, in many ways the ascension is a healing process. This game has created great amounts of trauma, conflict and suffering. Although a fast way to propel soul growth, tramau leaves the residual effect of a mess to clean up.
It may help to lighten your load if you cinsider messes, problems, and challenges don't require any fixing. Nothing is broken. Most often they are simply learning tools your character endures for the benefit of your soul growth.
Remember: Manipulating things is the forceful way, allowing things to be is the powerful way. When we attempt to fix "The Plan" we communicate to ourselves: "I don't trust myself. I haven't any faith in myself, or the Divine." As a result we claim our prayers weren't answered, our our manifestation process failed to materialize the desire.
We inadvertantly get stuck in the 'want' of things; rather than, 'having' the experience of things. But if I look at what was communicated...I can clearly see what I created for myself in the words I expressed. This, what I'm explaing here is MIND stuff.
Truly I tell you. The first order of business with regard to your Mind and Mental Body's health is to let go of a victim mentality. Regardles of your personaly degree of suffering and hardship, no one else, or thing, did anything to you, but you. It's all in your Mind.
When we finally accept this undentiable truth, we take the first step back toward our true identity as Spirit. There are many diferent forms of mental gymnastics to escape victimhood, but in the end the easiest way to move past that particular energy, is to see yourself as a character in a play.
If you think of your life as a drama you're acting out, it's not much of a stretch for your mind to consider the fact YOU ARE NOT THE CHARACTER; rather, the character is just a role you're playing. Once the show is over you can go back to being yourself again. You've simply forgotten that your only playing a role in a play; thus, the need to re-mind and re-member your ego-self with your spirit-self.
The so called "manifesting" of reality; in many spiritual circles, and the practices for doing so, often neglect to mention the courage, strength and commitment required to heal yourself, so that you can sustain all those desires for peace, joy and abundance.
In this chapter I want to look at the Mind as a tool our charcters can all remember how to use more effectively.
Ascension is a transformation, metamorphosis, or transmutation. Like the proverbial butterfly, our characters represent the catipiller transforming into something all together different. A transformation alters what's underneath the clothes. It all starts with your Mind; however, changing your thoughts is a process and all process's require steps.
Transformative steps, unlikethe steps required to build a house ask that you don't DO anything; rather, allow the process to BE. Sure, as catapillars we need to eat some leaves and maybe dont even know why!just happens... sometime during the process of remembering to pay attention to what I am thinking.folloing the steps involved in transforming my thoughts is not simpley changing what I think, but transforming how I look at Things that I think about.
Transforming who you ARE is the purview, or Pre-View, of the Mind, housed within the Mental Body. The Mental Body is the Space where I direct my thoughts. Paying attention to those thoughts illustrates the Pre-View of what I experience in the world around me.
Imagine te square, represented in the symbol above as the "space" you create with your mind, within the trinity of your charracter, represented by the triangle. The Big circle is Spirt and the small circle is your Spirit Self, directing things from within.
IF I Am experiencing something out of balance in my day to day avtivities, using my conscious awarness of my own thoughts, the language I recite to myself and pictures I imagine, I can begin to understanding what I Am projecting out into the world around me.
I can transform what I'm experiencing simply by adjusting The Pre-View. The language I use to communicate with myself and others; as well as, the pictures I Am imagining in relation to the world around me. It is my free will to do so as long as I pay attention, Am aware, conscious of the fact I Am projecting my own Mind out onto the world stage.
With MIND, Spirit creates All; ergo, ALL IS MIND, including the Game of Separation, where Spirit allows characters to create with Free Will from their own MINDS.
I can either be conscoius, ie. aware of my own Minds projections, or unaware of what I Am projecting outward. If I choose to be conscoius of my own thoughts I can transform the Pre-View from things appearing out of ballance in the world around me, that I was unconscious of before I started paying attention.
For the sake of argument, let's imagine that SPIRIT, The ALL in ALL, has a lot on its plate, so to lighten its load it allows its 'Character Functions' to think for 'Them Selves.' Imagine Spirit is juggling an infinite amount of projects, not least of which is The Game of Separation Project, so for the most part Spirit's going to perform a little Delegation and Disappearance, where its Human Being Project is concerned, essentially instructing all of us to.....
Let's agree, for now, Spirit enjoys messing up Rubik's Cubes, just for the fun of putting them back in order. The Law of Correspondence illustrates how Spirit maintains overall ballance of the unified whole within the illusion of separation.
The overall Game is Being Pre Formed by Spirits Mind, with infinite ballance, regardless how unbalanced separate characters in The Game of Separation make things look with they're own Minds. A messed up Rubik's cube looks unbalanced, but the cube in its entirety remains a ballanced thing. Fair enough?
Your Thoughts Project Outward from Within Your Self. Spirit Is 100% conscious of what its doing, unlike our characters who have intentionally forgetten to be 100% conscious of what we're doing all of the time. This was necessary in order to play as realistic a game as possible.
Consider: My spirit-self is a function of my Spirit. My Mental body is a function of my spirit-self. My Mental Body gets instructions from my spirit-self in much the same way as my spirit-self gets instructions from Spirit. And so it is up and down the line. As is above; so is below. As is below, so is above.
Much like Russian nesting dolls, or Matryoshka.
The Mental Body, or Mind has been mapped out by many Characters, like Carl Jung and others, with many divisions. Lets simplify things a little, making our comprehension of the topic simple, without being simplistic.
Plus it's way easier for me to illustrate how we can utilize our own Minds for purposes toward creating what we desire. Let's imagine that the Mental Body is only diveded in two. A Hero and a Villian playing out the drama of our mental creations.
The reason I keep harping on about going within, within your thoughts in this instance, is because I can't transform experience by adjusting how others think. I can only transform outward experience by Intending how I think about my Self.
Remember: Everything outside of my Self is still a part of my Self. Thoughts from within project things outward, essentially creating the outer things. If I want to Transform things in my outer world, must needs I transform, or change the pictures and words I'm projecting from within.
The Mental Body projects images onto the world stage, just like a movie projector projects images onto a screne. Our Mental Body also houses the language for those images, just like characters in a movie who express them selves with language and dialogue.
Thoughts directing me home are Inspired, which is to say they come from within my spirit-self. They help me become a Hero to some degree. Less inspiring thoughts from my ego-self are instructing me to act out the role of villian to some degree. The Hero, in my Mind, is intending for my Mind to pre-view Unity. The reality. The Villian, in my Mind, is intending for my Mind to pre-view Separation. An illusion.
Remember: Never take your eye off the steak to focus on the peas. Our battle is NOT with things outside ourselves, it is with our own resistance to growth. Much the same as a flowwer seed, pushing itself through the darkness to reach the light.
When I perceive my reality from what I see aroungs me, all I'm doing, I confirm and perpetuate the thoughts my Mental Body is projecting without my awareness. I am unconscious (forget) how I create reality from within.
When I perceive reality from within my Self I become conscious (remember) how I create the reality I experience aroung me. The only way to create the outward experiences desired, for the purposes of returning home and getting off the reincarnation treadmill, is to know what I'm creating and be conscious of it.
I can Imagine anything I want. Prove me wrong. Thats what TRUE FREEDOM is. If you're still allowing others to create and imagine the world around you, by beliving what they say and what they are projecting... you're not as free as you might think! Make sure IF you belive another that is matches up, resonates, with what YOU believe.
Perception creates reality. Now, we all have an imagination. Feel free to argue, but it won't do any good. I know we all have one, even if some of us don't use it very often.
In basic terms, our imagination allows us the ability to PRE SEE, in our MIND, what we want to create in our human experience. It's no mistake the word 'image' is a part of the words 'imagination' and 'magician.' Keep that in mind.
When I journey WITHOUT, unaware of my thoughts, I am UNCONSCIOUS of my perceptions, which is to say the 'pictures,' or 'images' I pre-see in my mind; therefore, UNABLE to direct what I create. My Mind creates its images whether or not I'm aware of them. Verstehen?
When I journey WITHIN, aware of my thoughts, I am CONSCIOUS of my perceptions; therefore, ABLE to direct what I create. In a nut shell, going within reminds me to remember how to balance things I forget how to balance while I was without.
My Mental Body, a part of my character, directs my thoughts to create whatever I imagine without prejudice, whether I am aware of my thoughts or not. The only difference between me and a magician, is magicians Intend what they imagine. Intentions, unlike garden variety fantasizing, direct images from my Mind, into physical reality.
It's quite obvious that things happen around me; some pleasurable, some not so much. When shit happens, usually I haven't a clue how I created it, but I know it had something to do with the way I think, not the way someone else is thinking.
When shit does happen to me, my standard rule of thumb is to ask my Self: "How did I create 'this?'" But of monumentally more import is to ask: "What Am I to remember about my Self from 'this' experience?"
It's the old 'What vs. 'Why' scenario. The question 'Why' is open ended. There could be a million reasons why shit happens, but the question 'What' pinpoints things, making whatever it is that's happening more specific to our own personal remembrance.
When something in your experience isn't pleasant, or even if it is, ask your Self what the experience is trying to help you remember. This question helps to get into the habit of paying attention to things, becoming more and more aware of ALL the things Spirit is RE-Minding you for the purpose of balancing things out so you can get off the stage.
Once I understand that Spirit is helping me RE-Member my Charcter with my unified whole, I can create experiences which appear for THAT to be so.
Now, let's consider some word phrases I use quite regularly. I haven't any intention to confuse readers, but do understand all these similar phrases and words can get a bit confusing.
Let's keep things in order for the purpose of understanding how to balance our characters Mental Body, it's important to understand that:
One of the smaller circles I AM labeling "Spirit-self." That term symbolizes, for my purposes, the overall function of my human character. That circle directs, or influences, three other circles.
The Mental circle, (Mental Body), the Emotional circle (Emotional Body), and the Physical circle (Physical Body). The image to the left illustrates what I'm eplaining in words. It's called A Celtic Knot.
The inner most circle represents the Spirit-self. It guides and directs the other three from within.
The Mental Body, or circle, which we are discussing on this page has two circles of its own. To keep things in order I Am Labeling these two circles Self (Hero) and Ego (Villian)
It's real handy and easier to go about our mental work if we remember to keep your 'Emotions' out of the work our 'Minds' are imagining. First we need to recognize all the stuff already floating around in there, then replace it with the new stuff we are intending.
We'll Add Emotion in the next chapter. For now, be indifferent toward the images your starting to consciously look at that have been floating around in your Mind for long time. No one wants to re-live a trauma, but those old images have to go if you want to start eperiencing new things. If some of those old images you see, bring about uncomfortable emotions, it's a reminder that something is out of balance.
Believe me, back in the day, I didn't want to think of myself as being lazy, for me and the way I was raised, being lazy felt quite embarrassing. Once I was honest with myself; however, I couldn't deny that my actions were that of a lazy person. It didn't kill me to make such an assessment, but it sure did help toward altering the way I thought about myself.
When it comes to emotional and physical ailments they always seem to get worse before I'm ready to admit that I need to alter the way I'm thinking. I know a lot of very sick people who are completely unwilling to admit there thoughts need adjustment, so it saddens me to see them continue to suffer, simply because they're too afraid to admit, or understand there thoughts are creating their displeasure.
Just remind your Self that you're safe and that you're only taking a look. For now! Some things are a lot harder to admit to your Self that being lazy. Believe me it was a lot harder to sort out the fact I used to be a real prick. I could always justify my angry actions toward people who I thought deserved being treated like shit, and the Universe always had a person ready to strengthen such a thought.
In an ideal situation, the Self half of the Mental Body has a very wide perspective of things and can more readily see where things are going. The Self is like a crow sitting at the top of a pine tree. Like a crow, this function of my Mental Body can see danger coming way off in the distance and has a lot of protection, perched far away from anything wanting to do it harm.
If the crow wants to fly somewhere off in the distance, he doesn't have to look through anything to picture where he's going, he can pre-see above everything on the ground. But that's under ideal circumstances.
Remember: Unlike Spirit in totality, our Characters Mental Body is a Mind divided with half being Self and the other half being Ego, or "person" -ality. You are NOT your ego. Your ego represents the Person, or Character you are playing in The Game of Separation.
Keeping things clear let's remind ourselves once again.
My Mental Body has two functions in order to play out the drama I Am imagining. A Hero, Self and a Villian, Ego. Also make sure to keep in mind that having a villian in your Mind isn't a bad thing. It's a necessity. Imagine your favorite movie without one. The story wouldn't be able to move forward.
Conflict is one of those things that allows a story to move forward. From a HUGE perspective imagine a Star and a Black Whole. The Star shines light, the Black Whole pulls the light inward, creating motion for planets in the universe. It's a Cosmic drama. As is above, so is below. The drama in our Mind needs a similar kind of conflict in order to move our mental dramas forward. Comprehend? If not, please take a few moments to ponder what I just explained.
To make the Game of Separation interesting, Spirit divided its character's Minds in two, creating an imbalance within the Mental Body, making it challenging for Self to do its thing. On this side of the MIND, or Mental Body, Self has CONSCIOUSNESS.
On the other side of our Mental Body, we have the Ego, the personality you use to go about your day. Unfortunatly our personalities are largly UNCONSCIOUSNESS of the fact, they're only an Actor in a Play.
The goal, For the Mental part of our Trinity, is to allow our Self to RE-MIND the Ego of this fact. The two sepaparate sides are just role players in the Mind. Once the curtain draws to a close they can both walk off the stage, and be friends again, just like most thespians do after they're done filming. Sounds simple enough. What's the problem?
In extremely basic terms, the problem in balancing The Mental Body, is a wall, dividing the two sides. There is a gate that allows the two parts of the Mental Body to communicate through, but the Ego, prevents the ease of communication. EGOS ARE LOATH TO ADMIT THEY CREATE HARM.
All the different Symbols laying around, all over the place are the proverbial Gate. The Wall that keeps us from incorporating all these pervasive symbols into our Mental Body is a proverbial Big Fat Secret. By keeping symbols a secret most of the characters playing the game keep running into this wall and have been doing so for millenia.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." ~ Matthew 7:13-14
This big secret keeps the drama alive, preventing the ease of communication. SOME characters are the personification of the Ego who do know about the symbols and use them for various nefarious purposes in order to keep things separate. Yet others, like myself, personify the Self, giving thanks to guys like Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion, whom also know all about symbology, explaining it to others like myself, but have no intention in keeping them a secret.
For shits and giggles, let's agree that the Ego is afraid of revealing the secrets and completely believes it's protecting self-self from harm by keeping certain reminders secret. Symbols being only one of many secrets.
To keep things secret, Ego created a control mechanism, and started hording all the secrets so that the game could continue. The control mechanism worked like a hot damn too, because it was built with fear. The Ego was very proud of its newfangled defence mechanism, maintaining it with fear, a Forceful Thing. Fear is the only thing able to deflect, dampen, or otherwise block the Self from finding the gates with love, a Powerful Thing.
Egos plan has worked for a very long time, but it didn't realize that by forcing things, its plan and and the plans of its personified characters was unsustainable. All it was doing to keep the secrets was symbolized by holding the breath. The opposite of life. Self has always knwown the ego would eventually have to take another breath and the game would not last an eternity.
Remember: The Ego is a part within the Mental Body, erroneously believing it's separate from Spirit-self. Your hand is a part of your body. This is the truth, the Self side of the Mental Body knows this. Your hand is a part from your body. This is a lie, the Ego side of the Mental Body; however, believes the lie.
It didn't take long for problems to surface with Ego's plan. Not to mention; the problems have steadily gotten more and more out of balance over the centuries, because the Ego doesn't want to admit it's defence mechanism IS unsustainable. If it did... the Ego would be out of a job, which is simply too scary a prospect, so Ego keeps trying to force things, maintaining its employment.
Go ahead...admit you tell lies and see how the Ego justifies things. In order to consider yourself an honest person in your Mind, you have to be honest all the time. That's what integrity is. Without integrity things fall apart.
The images projected from the Ego, which it believes are protecting the overall container of your character, the spirit-self take up all the space, in the Mind, that would otherwise allow the Self to imagine new images; thus, greatly debilitating the Free Will of our characters. So the proverbial 'wall' is like an argument between Self and Ego, fighting over which images are allowed to be projected.
Ego is a genius when it comes to devising ways to keep Self from projecting new images into Mental Body. Although the Ego is an expert at preventing communication, it's a complete rookie when it comes to understanding how to create a balanced Mind though, because the Ego's point of view is completely and utterly subjective.
Ego believes it knows it all, generally disregarding other points of view; thus, limiting it's options for balancing things out. If you're objective enough to see, in your outer world, that you are a 'Know it all,' it's a reminder about what your Ego is projecting.
The best way, I've found, to defend myself against the Ego's contention that it knows it all, is to accept things For Now! For Now, recited in your Mind, frees you from the belief of a lie. Things are only lying for as long as it takes to accept something new.
The Ego holds on to its carefully crafted images, forcing things, disregarding whether or not its methods work. Ego can be a menace, often doing things that don't work on purpose, just to be a shit, but mostly the Ego doesn't know that what it's doing is harming the character it is a part of. After all, its intentions are to protect the illusion of Separation.
From an objective point of view, it's all in good fun. The trick is not being afraid of what the Ego is up to, allowing things to be what may. It can be very scary, letting go of a belief that you've held onto your whole life, in fact, some beliefs get carried over from one life to the next! Accepting something new can be challenging, which is evident by the sheer number of characters who hold on to things that don't work.
On the other hand, Self really does know it all. Self knows the easiest way to balance things, simply by allowing the balance to be. Self knows it can let thoughts go, creating space to imagine new thoughts. The trick is convincing the Ego to allow it some space and by doing so, no harm will come to their character. However; seeing as our characters have spent the greater part of their existence listening to the Ego, it's a bit of a challenge understanding how much easier it is to be, let alone how to be.
Even when my character falls victim to the Ego, those times too remind me, and demonstrate to me, how things don't work for the purposes of balance and succeeding home.
Suffering is an absolutely fantastic reminder, allowing characters to experience things out of balance, as a consequence, greatly encouraging a character to allow things back in balance, in order to relieve the suffering and experience peace.
Peace for your character is guaranteed once a character has suffered enough, but it's up to your character to decide when it's suffered enough. Never forget about Free Will.
I strongly feel, those who are still reading have decided it's time for your character to experience something new and your very own function of spirit-self created these reminders as a bread crumb, which you placed here for yourself, helping you to find your way Home.
Now, there are a lot of Human Beings and each one of us have our own pictures about how to pre-see a balanced world. Some of us continue allowing our Ego's to direct the balancing process of the Mind by attempting to contol things outside ourselves.
It's not our job to ballance someone elses character. Our job is to align with the thing that IS in control. Spirit. Part of Re-membering our characters with Spirit is about balancing our Mind.
We are free to do this simply by paying attention to how we think and how much we are each conscious of the pictures we hold of reality. Tying to control another character, or characters, negates freedom. Master Serapis eplains below.
Another part of the myth of power is the illusion of control. Any control you think you have over your life belongs to Spirit. When things work out, it's your spirit-self working through your fields. And when things don't work out, it's still your spirit-self working through your fields, but this time trying to get personality's conscious attention or bring something to personality's awareness.
If things aren't going according to your plan, examine your picture of reality, looking for signs of limitation and control. Trying to control and manipulate events according to personality's ideas of how things should be is a fruitless activity, and may lead to disapointment, frustration and anger. So what can you do?
When you align with the intents of Spirit as it goes about its functions, you become an unstopable force because you are going with the flow of the Universe. But this raises the old question, "How do I know the intent of Spirit?" One answer is "Whatever makes your heart sing."
Ariel offers this three-part test for deciding what to do: "Does it bring you joy? Is it fun? Does it serve the Light?" If all three are true, then you are following Spirit. If one or two are not true, then that course of action might not be aligned with Spirit.
If you ask these questions of your job, say, and get "No" to all three, then think seriously about changing jobs or even careers because you're not tapping into your true power. Going against the flow is hard work bit going with the flow is relatively effortless and a lot more fun. Things fall together instead of apart, and people pop into your life to help rather than hinder.
So, control is an illusion; the flow of Spirit is the reality. All that you are, and all that you have is the result of your spirit-self setting things up. What you can do at the personality level is be conscious of this and add your input on the "reality factory" shop floor. You will be heard!
The Collective Consciousness, is the totality of all the individual characters being projected, creating society. Ego has been directing things for a long time; however, The Ascension Process now transforms things, returning control back to Spirit. The Ascension Process makes it much more easy now for our characters to align with Spirit, simply because the frequences now flooding the planet no longer align with the density associated with separation.
...The Collective Conscious is like the Ocean, and our characters are like buckets of water submerged within that Ocean. Since all the water intermingles, it's a bitch identifying my thoughts from all the rest. Altering the Ocean with my bucket of water...well you get the idea. But you may be surprised how much your little bucket of water can do! Harmonic Resonance is a very Powerful thing and you'll be encouraged by how much 'effect' can be 'caused' with your bucket once I get around to explaining Energy. You know the drill. One step at a time.
Be encouraged by the fact we are ALL connected to Spirit, of which Ego is only a Character is a game Spirit is playing. All through the centuries a few characters have been able to align with Spirit using nothing more than the knowledge I'm sharing here. Things are about to transform, not just change!
By all means, it's important to identify the problems in order to figure out the solutions, but instead of trying to Forcefully cause effects by worrying and controling things outside your self, consider a much more Powerful way to effect change in the world around you by aligning your personal energy with Spirit.
I'm reminded of the TV series Star Trek. In that show many individuals with different cultures and species gathered on the Enterprise, finding peaceful ways to express and share their individuality within a common unity, working together and bulding relationships without feeling separate from each other, because they looked different, or came from a different culture, or species.
Before gathering in groups to band against what you, and others with similar pictures, subjectively label as bad in order to uphold the good, first go within where you can Powerfully effect cause with counscious awareness. All by your Self! Then your social network of like minded souls naturally gather in harmonic resonance. That's ultimately what the Age of Aquarius is all about. Individuals harmoniously epressing there individuality within a Common Unity.
In a nut shell remembering the stuff I'm sharing here, stuff about the process of Ascension and how to go with that flow aligns your character with all the other characters playing the game with you, becoming one Spiritual powerhouse. Your initiation to allow direction from the Self part of the Mind; instead of, Ego, reminds and demonstrates how others can to do the same.
Don't wait 'till Spring, Be the change Now that you want to eperience in the world. At some point the Collective Conscious will transform from being Ego driven toward being Self driven, all because YOU decide to align with Spirit, regardless of what anyone else chooses to do.
Right now, so many characters are listening to Ego, that what I'm contending seems like a fantasy. I'm not going to deny there is a lot of work to do and it's going to take a lot of discipline to pre form that work, but I also know that I wouldn't be explaining all this mumbo jumbo if Spirit didn't have a plan.
All I ever do is wonder what that plan is, constantly reminding my character not to worry how it's going to work out. That's where my understanding of Faith comes in. To me, Faith is knowing that Spirit knows how to Be. In essence, surrendering to Spirit's Will allows Spirit to Powerfully overcomes what the Ego is Forcefully trying to accomplish.
The battle of 'Wills' happens within me, projecting outward. I always know how the battle is going within, by observing what I see without. When I experience things I don't enjoy, I simply have to observe my own thoughts and pictures of reality in order to understand how I'm creating those experiences, in order to create NEW experiences I do enjoy.
This particular process initially takes a lot of discipline, because the ever alert Ego will undermine my efforts at every turn. Discipline, at its root, really is a battle of Wills. My Self vs. my Ego. The battle is easily won for Spirit when I remember the Ego is only a role I'm playing; rather than, who I truely Am.
No amount of tinkering with society and the many mechanisms it uses to unsuccessfully balance things will make any significant transformations. Governments; Religions, Corporations, Science, Health Care, Mass Media, etc, are under the influence of the Ego. All of which are doing things backwards, which is evident for anyone paying attention!
Consider your life like a projection on a movie screen. The only way to view something different is to switch out the film being projected. How else could you see something different without changing what's projected? But for some reason, the Ego has most of us believing that we can see a different picture by watching the same movie from a different seat! This is the very definition of insane.
The Ego is like a bad weed. Every time you think you've gotten rid of it, it rears is ugly tentacles again, growing out uncontrollably all over the land. Plus, this weed's got weapons. Its favourite one is a whip it calls 'FEAR.' Every time Ego cracks its whip a SHADOW appears across the land. The Ego hides in the shadows, preventing Self from finding it, in order to pull it out.
When Self does find the Ego in a shadow, fear of the shadow keeps the Self from pulling out the dreaded Ego weed. There are a lot of shadows and each one needs light shone on it, revealing the Ego, which has to be pulled out, or the Ego will spread out again. So every Self who wants to control the Ego, has to do there fair share of 'shadow work,' overcoming fear in the process.
The general problem with Society all over the planet is the villain who currently runs the show. The collective Ego is like the 'Spectare' organization, from The 'James Bond' films. As individuals and as a collective society we need to dispatch hero's, like 007 and take back control.
I rely heavily on the word Self. Self is the Hero of the Mental Body, representative of the King of Swords. Within the Self is an individuals ability, to wrestle back control from the Ego. The Ego keeps control by keeping us away from the Self.
This is evident when we consider how deeply society is committed to 'Group Think.' In today's society, it is the person who strives to be with Self who is considered subversive and out of cinch. 'Group Think' is evidence that Ego is running amok.
If you consider the fact that society is deteriorating more and more as we steadily adhere to collectivism, it is insane to think that belonging to a group is the means for our individual and collective salvation. It may seem backward that going within ones Self is the means toward Unity, but that's the only way to do it! 'James Bond' Always manages to take on the Evil organization by himself, all be it with a little help from his friends.
Being a secret agent is dangerous work; even though, it looks like a lot of fun with some cool rewards! We all love being a part of a group, it gives us a sense of security, but its part of the Ego's defence mechanism and it's a false sense of security. Connecting to a group is an artificial way for Ego to prescribe Unity. It gets characters about as close to Real Unity as eating all the 'Smarties' in the box before sharing them with your friends.
It sounds, even to my ear sometimes, like Being with Self is contradictory to Unification. Always keep in mind that in reality, The REAL YOU, has never been separate from All the other REAL YOUS that only appear separate. It's a paradox and an illusion that Unity allows one thing to appear separate.
Group Think is just another method Ego uses to force separation. A Separation that only exists in Ego's Mind. Benefits far out way the effort involved in wrapping your brain around it all. Get that Rubik's Cube put back together, by figuring it out your Self! No one else can do your breathing for you.
Now I'm not advocating the dismantling of groups, but I do advocate that within your group you remain your Self, keeping your own council about who you want to be, paying attention to those who want to make you just like them. Insecurity is an inherent part of playing The Game of Separation, and it's completely natural to seek security within a group, but unfortunately it won't get you any closer to Home.
Keep in mind too, that separation is an illusion, no matter how real the game appears. Within Self is the path to dissolving the illusion so that you can remember that you've never been separate from the group and never could be. Security is found with your Self, not without your Self. Being a part of a group lay outside your Self.
You might say to yourself that you don't have the time, money or energy to make a personal transformation and you might also believe that I'm full of shit and the stuff I'm talking about is WAY too out there for you to think about. In fact most of you won't get past the first few pages because most of what I'm writing about just doesn't jive with all the stuff you've already been told. What will it cost you to pay a little attention as you go about your busy day?
The Ego wants you to give up. It doesn't want you to even consider what I'm reminding. Ego wants you to be afraid of remembering the solution, because it hasn't any Power to take on a bunch of Hero's, because it only knows how to control things by Force.
What if you had a list? What if you had a list that identifies Forceful things with there Powerful counterpart? What if you had a list of dualities that offered you a means to pay attention to what you're afraid of letting go? What if that list provided a means to move away from Force back toward Power simply by adjusting the way you thought about things?
Would it matter how long the list is? Every moment in time allows you a breath to pay attention no matter what else you're doing. Would such a list make it easier to transform things? Darn Toot'n! You can find the list at the bottom of this chapter. I explain how to use the list in the chapter. Its chapter one of two regarding Shadow Work.
To be honest, I used to have a lot of trouble with shadow work. It seemed wherever I looked for understanding about shadow work, the explanation was so obscure that I couldn't make any headway toward letting go of my fears. How many of you have sat with a friend, or counsellor, who asked you: "What are you afraid of?" Gee Wiz!!! I don't know!!! Plus...I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT MY FEARS! THEY'RE SCARY, THATS WHY I'M AFRAID OF THEM!
My only reassurance, to those of a sceptical nature, is that I'm not here to teach you anything new, I'm only facilitating a reminder about things that you already know, but have simply forgotten and I'm going to lay everything out step by step in as simple a format as I can muster and I'm offering easy ways to make the transformation.
I've tried things the hard way, a lot, I prefer easy. If you decide to keep reading you'll notice that we all can relate to the problems that surround us, which I'll be pointing out as we read along, but what I'm ALSO going to do is provide some easy solutions to all those problems that we all relate to, with the help of my teachers, who shared them with me, and which Spirit NOW asks I share them with you.
Look objectively at the YOU who is reading this as a character playing a game. Spirit MIND which is imagining the game is connected to YOUR characters Mind through your spirit-self. Your character's Mind is a little different from your Spiritual MIND in the sense that your Character's Mind is divided.
Within your spirit-self your Mental Body has two aspects that function in oposition in order to create a conflict that moves your mental drama forward; a Self analogous to a Hero, and and an Ego analogous to a Villian.
The two sides are at odds with one another for the purpose of playing the game of separation. The two sides can communicate with each other through symbols. The communication can bring the two sides back together in balance.
The Ego is a bit of a prick though, avoiding, stifling, and otherwise preventing communication, keeping the memories, on its side, needed for RE-MINDING and RE-MEMBERING, a secret.
Lots of Human Beings listen to the Ego side, very few listen to the SELF side. The unbalancing act of the Ego, wilfully forces individual character's AND the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS to remain unbalanced. Remember that word 'FORCE,' it's a clue for remembering how the Ego unbalances things!
The EGO hides in SHADOWS within the Mind, keeping it safe from getting fired by the SELF. The Self has to overcome fear by doing shadow work in order to discipline the EGO so it can build a balanced bridge between the two. Overcoming fear makes the Self very powerful. Remember that word 'POWER,' it's a clue for remembering how the Self balances things!
This whole drama is happening on micro-cosmic and macro-cosmic levels. All the way down to the 'protons, neutrons, and electrons' that compose atoms. All the way up to the 'stars, planets, and other celestial bodies' that compose universes. The drama is part of every individual as well as society in general. When you adjust the way you think in one causim, effects are easily recognizable both up and down the ladder. It's a cool thing to witness and it will blow your Mind at how easy it is, just by paying attention to points on a list!
Ironically the solutions don't cost anything to apply aside from a bit of discipline to regain the knowledge that's been forgotten by the greater part of humanity. It doesn't matter if you've accumulated 10 Billion dollars worth of stuff, of if you travel around the World with nothing but a back pack and $5.00 in your jeans. Paying attention to how you think and making adjustments to those thoughts doesn't cost anything and can be done from anywhere. I'll BE where I'm AT! Believe me...the solutions have always been there too, but the 'forces that be' have gone to great lengths, with constant vigilance to keep us from remembering, too afraid to create anything new.
If I view my world and the experiences I have, as my greatest personal creation that I am solely and completely responsible for and I also simultaneously view everyone in my reality as part of my Self, then I can go forward with my creation without the weight of judgement, interfering with the reality I want to create; therefore lightening the load I place on myself, directing my energy toward my creation; rather than, wasting my energy to control, manipulate, or otherwise coerce each separate part of me to create what I think "they" ought to be creating.
With this particular line of thinking I am not only free to create what I want, but I am also able to allow the other parts of myself to create what they want and in the end each separate part joins together, each making a contribution to the puzzle with they're own free will; instead of, each separate part imposing they're free will upon the other parts.
Of course, not all individuals will share this point of view, that's just part of the game. But who each of us are and what we intend to create is not dependant upon anyone else's point of view. I contend that allowing free will for others is the easiest way for others to allow my own. My contention can only be proven with practice and experience, at some point making it Self evident. The mere reading of such a contention provokes argument and argument happens when subjective points of view lack objectivity.
The Game of Separation is intended to imbalance things for the simple goal of reminding and remembering how to consciously put things back in balance. Although our Characters Mind can think anything it wants, Spirit also provided a means for guiding us toward the easiest way to balance out what our Ego sees as separate and our Self understands as Unity. Along with paying attention to how we think, we can also become aware and conscious of how we FEEL. Our feelings guide the balancing process. Let's move on to Stage 3: Remembering 'The Emotional Body.'