Flower of Life Geometric Symbol

The Game of Separation

Spiritual Fundamentals for Your Reality Creation Quest

Black and White image of a rain storm

For purpose toward getting my character Home, I'm trying to comprehend the abstraction and conundrum of 'non' boundary, or limitlessness and for this I have to grow an objective point of view. Objectivity is without judgment.

Remember: It's one thing to say it's raining outside, something completely different to say the rain is bad, or good for that matter.

"Be like water making its way through cracks. do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays ridgid, outward things will disclose themselves."

"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend." ~ Bruce Lee

From the Objective view point of Spirit, which created your Character, ALL is completely unlimited, unified and balanced. From the Subjective view point of Character, which was created by Spirit, All appears limited, separate and unbalanced.

Remember: You are an objective Spiuritual Being, playing the role of a subjective human character. If you intend to get your Character home, you need to express yourself accordingly. Which I intend to show you how to do, if you keep reading.

Sun set image of a tethered Hot Air Balloon

A subjective point of view will normally have a belief attached to it. Objectivity is an exercise of letting go of attachment to belief.

Picture a Hot Air Ballon tethered to the ground. The ropes keeping it from floating into the sky are like beliefs. They must be let go of in order to see a wider view.

How Objective can You Be?

Black & White Image of a Circle with a Dot in the middle

A subjective point of view, is an opinion about something. A belief that something is so. That beleif, or opinion is your ego-self. It belongs to Me. It's your Point of View (POV) of something.

As you know, your POV of something can be and often is, different from someone else with a different POV. What is true for you, may not be true for someone else, even IF you're both looking at the exact some thing!

Think of it like different points on a circle, each looking inward at the point in the middle. depending on the Points View, The dot in the middle could represent many different things.

Picture of a messed up Rubik's Cube

This is what The Game of Separation is all about. Different focal points of consciousness, intentionally setting up unity to look separate, for the soul purpose of puuting things back together. Visualize a mixed up Rubik's Cube. Who plays with a solved cube? I have to mess it up, before I can play with it.

Remember: Balanced form creates beauty. Consciousness is unlimited unity of Being. Think of it like the infinate amount of points connected together to form a circle.

When consciousness intentionally places meaning on something, through thought and emotion, boundaries and forms are created in order for consciousness to experience a world of separate things. But ultimately all things that are limited and separate are an illusion because the separate things are a composition of consciousness, which in itself is a unity without limit.

SO....Being that I have consciousness!

I Am an artist. I create a beautiful life because I know that balanced form creates beauty. The meanings I place on my life with the thoughts I imagine and the emotions I express are the forms and boundaries I place for my life. When I was unaware of this process the creation was being created sub-consciously. When I become aware of this process the experiences I create become conscious.

Arago: I Am the creator of My Life.

I creates for ME

This concept is thoroughly explained by the seventh Hermetic principle of Gender, which has been completely bastardized by the 'alphebet comunity.' Why on earth anyone wants to create they're own gender, oblivious of what is biologically self evident, is rediculous to many, but is simply more evidence of the control mechanism doing it's job to keep us as far away from our SELF as possible.

Objectivity moves awareness from 'Your character' to a point of view where you see your character acting out the game from a wider perspective, like viewing yourself from a distance as your character performs activity. Your Spiritual Body observes the observer.

Lets take a closer look with the help of some geometry before I get myself completely off track.

The Spiritual Body

Black and White Triquetra Image

The character you play in The Game of Separation creates material experience by way of balancing a Trinity. The number 3 is of material importance, and is ubiquitous throughout society.

For now, simply remember that your Human Character is a three dimensional construct, experiencing life in a three dimensional illusion. Your Spiritual Body's job is to observe the whole thing and gently direct Things towards your hearts desire, so your soul can grow and evolve.

The word Trinity, for my purposes, represents a creative process that balances three things, in order to create material experience. Religion often labels these three things as; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Spiritualists often use the labels; Body, Mind and Soul. Both sets of labels I have a problem with, because of they're impractical connotations. Allow me to explain.

I use Neale Donald Walsch's labels, introduced in his "Conversations with God" books. For practical reasons. I like labelling the three parts of Trinity as; Thought, Word, Deed. I overlap these words with Mental stuff, Emotional stuff, and Physical stuff.

The concept is fairly straight forward. First you imagine a thing, (Thought) then you express that thing, (Word) then you act on the thing. (Deed) The trick is remembering how to do it consciously. If there are things out of balance in your world, chances are that you're largly unaware, or unconscious, of what you're creating. From your characters limited subjective point of view, the process of getting things back into balance is damn near impossible.

I hear, I know, I see, I remember, I do, I understand. ~ Confucius

The limitations of trying to balance things out with a subjective point of view is why, it's of monumental importance to Go Within and reconnect with the objective point of view emanating from your Spiritual Body.

Watch What Your Doing!

Black and White Triquetra Image The first function of ALL Human Characters, is the function observing the game: The Spiritual Self, or Spiritual Body. The Spiritual Self is responsable for the direction of the game. This function knows that only Unlimited Unity exists and also functions as a liaison between its Material Self and the SPIRITUAL SELF in totality.

The Spiritual Self observes the three lower parts of its Self. Let's group these three lower parts together, calling them the Material Self, being that matter is created, by our characters, through these three aspects the Spiritual Body is observing.

The Image above symbolizes what I'm trying to explain. It's an ancient Celtic Symbol called; Triquetra, or more commonly termed a Celtic Knot. Three circles are interconnected.

One represents the Mental Body, (Thought) one represents the Emotional Body, (Word) that leaves the third circle to represent the Physical Body. (Deed) The Inner circle connects the other three, observing the Material Self from the inside out.

Purple Sacred Geometry Symbol of 'The Flower of Life'

These four Bodies, the Spiritual Body and the three parts of the Material Body it's observing, are akin to SPIRITS child. The proverbial Son of God.

We can visualize this if we wrap the whole design within one more larger circle, representing Spirit in totality.

Now add more encompassing circles (in balance and ratio mind you) and you'll arrive at the Image to the right, called: The Flower of Life.

Imagine each circle in the flower with the triquetra inside and you'll start to understand Humanity in geometric terms.

Remember: Images are the Thoughts your spirit-self uses to communicate with your ego-self and vice versa, in an attempt to balance things out.

Images belived by the ego-self have a tendency to unbalance things for the spirit-self, largely because we're unaware of them and the effects they cause.

In this way, Sacred Geometry is a fantastic Spiritual tool, assisting anyone to reconnect with the objectivity within, gaining an awareness of how images both, effect causes, AND cause effects, at both conscious and subconscious levels.

Re-Minding and Re-Membering Succeeds Characters Home

Rider Waite grey scale image of the 'Ten of Wands' Tarot Card

If you choose to consciously remind yourself to remember what's going on, you can Wilfully direct things toward balance; toward Home.

While you remain unconscious, things remain out of balance and you've basically decided to leave things to fate, allowing others to direct your experiences with their Will, misdirecting things from balance; remaining separated from Home.

Free will all comes down to Master Frankl's quote.

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." ~ Victor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

Your conscious awareness in reminding to remember your character (ego-self) with who you really are (Spirit) has to do with all that frequency mumbo jumbo everyone is talking about these days.

Expanding consciousness, is directly related to raising frequency. You can't have one without the other. Frequency and vibration are all about how energy works and the key thing to remember about energy is it likes to be in motion.

That's the link between ALL THIS and your breath. Once you make a conscious choice to freely breathe, and pay attention to it, you're choosing to move the energy, expand your conscious awareness and raise your frequency. Allowing things to BE.

When you hold your breath, you're preventing the energy from moving; thus, limiting the frequency that you're able to vibrate at, consequently maintaining the separation between your character and your true Spiritual Self.

You may not have a clue that you're holding your breath. It kinda does it on its own, creating what I call a "Held Energy System." There are ways to figure out where the energy is being held in the body and ways to get it un-stuck and moving again. I get to all that when I talk about Energy in more detail.

In the mean time, remember that when your breath flows freely, it allows things to Be, holding it disallows things from Being. Your freedom to breathe is a choice, it's not something that anyone can dole out.

You will know which 'Thing" your allowing to happen the moment you realize YOU ARE the one in control of YOUR BREATH. We All face one choice sooner, or lateter: The choice between doing whats right, and doing whats easy. Take a look within yourself and you'll soon realize that the right choice is also the easiest one. You don't even have to think about breathing it's that easy.

Of course our characters have forgotten all of this; thus, the need to Re-Mind and Re-Member. Our characters have forgotten so deeply, in order to make the game as realistic as possible, that Spirit constantly reminds our characters to remember with every breath our characters take while playing the game.

Diving the Point Home

Kevin Costner as Robin Hood, taking aim in the woods

Being conscious and objective, as our characters go about the process of creating life, succeeds our characters back toward home. When things are successful, efforts work.

Being unconscious and subjective, as our characters go about the process, is unsuccessful toward carrying a character home, essentially keeping our characters separated from Spirit. When Things are unsuccessful, efforts still work; however, work toward being unsuccessfull. When something is not succeeding, it's in a holding pattern.

A balanced Trinity, or Material Self, allows Characters to Re-Mind and Re-Member with Spirit. Playing The Game of Separation allows characters to consciously Re-Mind and Re-Member how to balance the Trinity. Characters create in '3 dimensions' with the guidance of a Spiritual Body that observes the balancing out process of the Trinity from within the Trinity.

While our Characters consciously create a balanced Trinity, our characters succeed, step by step, eventually making it ALL the way back home to Spirit. The proverbial Heaven, Nirvana, Bliss, Enlightenment, Paradise, or whatever other label you choose to use to describe the ineffability of The All in All.

Human Beings have four separate bodies one of which, The Spiritual Body, observes the other three from inside, in order to help, those three, balance things out consciously with Free Will.

The four bodies together are a composition, creation, form, metaphor, symbol, or whatever other label you choose to describe Spirits Character. Spirits Character, is like a child of Spirit in totality. The Proverbial Christ, Buddha, Son of God, Sun in the Universe, Chosen One, or whatever other label you choose.

As above so below; as below so above, as the universe, sows the Soul.

The Character: 'Jesus Christ' is a symbol of a character who was adept at acting in a way that worked toward creating a balanced 'Trinity,' whether or not you want to believe he was an actual guy or not, the character demonstrates what works.

All the major religions and all the mythological stories, have a symbol of such an adept. YOU are such an adept; you've just forgotten how to make things work. Call me a blasphemer if you want. It won't make any difference to the obvious.

All the subjective labels come down to the same objective thing. Even though an infinite amount of circles can be imagined; through choice, one more circle can always be drawn, encompassing all the rest. The one encompassing all the rest represents Spirit. The ALL in ALL.

This idea leaves separation as nothing but an illusion, because everything is within one, always perfectly balanced in ratio to the encompassing circle. You know this, you've only forgotten! You have nothing to learn, only things reminding you to remember and everything is reminding you to remember in one way, or another. This web-site can accelerate things if you allow it to.

One more metaphor before we move on. Just because Spirit and your spirit-self are that important.

So...You wanted to be and Actor?

Picture of a 'Globe' on a stage with red Curtains

"All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages"...~ William Shakespeare, As You Like It

Shakespeare was really onto something with this famous quote. All those years ago, he offered up yet ANOTHER way to look at things, in an effort for Spirit to Re-Mind characters to Re-Member.

Humans are a lot like actors, 'actually' playing out a drama on a stage. Humans are only role playing a part in a play, and once the curtain draws to a close and the play is over, all the actors can be them selves again. Ascension is the process of drawing the curtain to a close.

The Spiritual Body is the aspect that directs the show, but we all know some actors (ego-selves) listen to direction better than others! Some actors have remembered, through constant reminders and continual practice, how to listen to direction.

Some actors are able to limit the distractions going on behind the scenes. Spirit directs us in very subtle ways. Spirit isn't much of a yeller, but it can get our attention when it needs to. Spirit communicates with our characters constantly, in a plethora of different ways.

Rider Waite image of The High Priestess Tarot Card

Spirit communicates with a calm and peaceful voice and it takes a trained heart to listen. We have to remember to pay attention to the reminders, the scene around us, remembering the right time to recite our lines, with feeling and passion!

Your Spiritual Body (the director) and the composition of your Material Body (the actor) are essentially one thing; the creator is also the creation. All these different contributing parts of the show are all housed within the theatre. (Spirit in totality)

You can't have a show without an audience and you can't have an audience without a show. All these parts are separate only in the sense they each have a separate point of view of the ONE show.

Spirit, while observing the whole performance; neither condones, or condemns the show, accepting it for what it is, allowing ITS creation the Free Will to either screw things up completely, or work toward creating a show the whole Universe will remember forever.

Spirit doesn't give two hoots whether or not the show, or the individual performances, are balanced or not. Spirit hasn't the need to judge, it simply observes, loving every moment, completely indifferent.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Rider Waite image of The Hermit Tarot Card

In this play, consisting of all the various parts, know deep down inside, that when The Game of Separation comes to conclusion, that Being separate was all an illusion. It was just a fun way to experience An Ascension Process. The ultimate goal of the game is Re-Minding and Re-Membering back into Unlimited Unity.

We each know this, it's just hidden somewhere within. No matter how separate each part finds its self in relation to the Unity, in the end Life IS and will always Be. All in All the game is extremely challenging, but who wants to play snakes and ladders all the time?

In the end, the result is well worth all the energy and effort expended for the purpose to have some fun. Imagine your in a world of 'make beleive,' part-icipating in a creative process, designed to remind and remember how to balance things that are unbalanced.

Now it’s time for all you Actors reading this, to be reminded how to listen to your Directors, allowing the function of your Spiritual Body to guide you toward the celebration, where all our separate parts can once again be re-united as One SPIRIT part.

We’ve managed to dencify Light into Matter and Force the Power of Love from flowing, now it’s time to start climbing the ladder again, so we can once again take a look at the creation of our Big Picture, and de-dencify the matter back into Light, Let go of Fear, allow Love to flow with every breath you share.