If we imagine our selves as luminous Spiritual Beings, experiencing three dimentional life here on Earth, by playing subjective characters, living along a circle, in a game of separation; we can also imagine each step we take along that circle not only moves us away from our unified starting point, successively allowing everything to appear separate, but also moves us closer and closer back to the unified beginning.
Moving, or 'shifting' back to the beginning is an Ascention Process.
We 'Forced' ourselves down, (Decend) in order to 'Power' our-selves up. (Ascend) Think of the Ascension as the 'up' phase of the super cycle! Circles whithin circles, just like the Flower of Life geometry, So Is Life, It Is Self.
Joseph Campbell explains this process beautifully with his 12 Step program.
Similar to Campbell's Hero's Journey, is The Fools Journey from the perspective of the Tarot. It's no mistake that the first and last card of the Major Arcana is The Fool card. It's also no mistake that The Fool card is the #0. We all start our Human journey as fools, moving around in circles without a clue. As we move around the circle we gather some clues.
In the Begining we did a few things in order to make the illusion of Separation as realistic as possible.
Let's take look at a few things in particular, which I found in Serpis's Handbook, offering us some clues regarding how we can see through the illusion as we move around our proverbial circles.
Before I let Serapis take over, lets keep in mind a few tips for navigating your circle.
First of all, while moving forward around a circle, always remember, when picking up clues, like this one, helping you understand, begin a new understanding with the phrase: 'For Now.' Inevitably, as we move around the circle, new information gets added to what we already gathered.
Look at the Wheel of Fortune card as an example. I would roll my eyes at anyone who claims they know what the card means in its entirety. It can mean an infinite number of things, depending on the situation and inquiry in question.
But each time I discover another meaning associated with the card, I add to what I know. I don't just keep the new meaning and discard ALL the others. That's what fools are for!
If we remember to say; "This is what I believe For Now," we allow ourselves to add knowledge, gaining details and adding understanding to our subjective beliefs, always moving closer and closer back to the objective reality we all share.
The word Spirit, is meant to indicate ALL! There is no such thing as your Spirit, or my Spirit. But 'Spirit' can be broken down into parts, allowing the limits of our brain to comprehend the details of the different functions it performs.
This is where the word 'Meta' can be noticed; as in, the word 'Metaphor.'
Meta: Meaning; 'after,' 'along with,' 'beyond,' 'among,' and 'behind,' and often denoting change.
Metaphors allow our Character to break things down, comprehending the complexities of the Spiritual whole.
Allegory bridges abstract concepts, often of a spiritual nature, with concrete examples, allowing our characters to comprehend the nature of Spirit.
Parables are a type of allegory that tell a story, designed to convey a truth or moral lesson. However, allagories and Parables are just a kind of metaphor. They use 'symbology' to connect 'Things' above and below our current position along the circle.
Symbolic pictures are basically many metaphors wrapped together, allowing our 'ego-self' to communicate with our 'spirit-self' and visa versa. Metaphors; allegories, parables and symbols, bridge a gap between; what appears separate and what IS unified. Among other things.
This is why Mathamatics, Tarot Cards, Geometry, Astrology and Numerology come in so handy. They symbolize the Macro for the Micro and the Micro for the Macro. Summed up in the Maxim of the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence.
As above, so below; as below, so above. ~ The Kybalion
The 78 cards in a normal Tarot deck, for example, can help our characters in traversing the many layers and levels of Spirit. Sacred Geometry too, has many layers and levels of conotation, including music, math, image and countless other things.
As do other mystical art studies in there own way. Things like Tarot Cards and Astrology charts are tools designed to assist us in The Game of Separation. They DO NOT; however, play the game for us.
Remember: Tools can be used for both constructive and destructive purposes. Treating these tools with respect, helps you toward your construction, distrespecting them, leads toward destruction. There is a reason for the word sacred in the term Sacred Geometry.
With the same respect, imagine the Tarot as a 78 page book with movable pages, telling you stories of your very own journey, past present, or future.
Images, such as those found in a Tarot deck, are many metaphors, or symbols, wrapped together, allowing our ego-self to understand a larger perspective, or a more narrow one if that's what we're intending the tool to be used for.
Tarot cards and other metaphors can, instantaneously provide communication through all the levels, depending on how many meanings we know that are associated with the picture on the card, or design of an image, or descriptions on a chart.
Geometry does the same kind of thing in a mathematical way. Think of 'The World' card and the image of the Heavenly City, to the right, as the same note, but in different octaves vibrating at different frequencies.
They both symbolize The World of divine paradise, but one is a higher octave of the same note. We see this concept all over the place, like nurmerology and music, just to name a few. Each note provides an 'Image' to be projected.
All that in do time. I can't put on the roof, until I build the walls.
The important thing to remember about metaphors and symbols is they train our minds to communicate with our much more expanded Spiritual consciousness, or Spiritual Body, by simply moving our subjective awareness of Things to a more objective Point Of View.
The whole reason these metaphors are necessary is simply because, as Spirit, we wanted to perform an experiment by playing a game to see just how far we could separate our spirit-selves from Spirit in totality.
In order to make things as realistic as possible, we intentionally built in various things, like Karma and Shame, in order to accomplish that goal. In very basic terms the metaphors help to remind us what we did! In order to explain what we did, I'll allow Master Serapis, with the help of his channel to explain. Why reinvent the wheel?
I said earlier, and this is probably the most important statement in this book, that "Your true nature is Spirit." The you that you think of as "you" is just one of many projected across time and in various places on this and other planets in universes you haven't discovered yet.
Now this in no way belittles who you perceive yourself to be. On the contrary, you are a vast, multi dimensional being, a magnificent expression of the Source, which you brilliantly and lovingly crafted to perform your spirit function. Nowhere, on any planet in any universe has such a creation as you existed.
And just knowing that you are part of a much larger enterprise can immeasurably increase the sense of your life's meaningfulness. As this truly awesome being, you decided that, for very special purpose, you would incarnate on this planet at this exciting time in its history...
...So, please try to see yourself as Spirit having a human experience, and not the other way around...
...A long time ago, before history as you perceive it, a number of nonphysical beings, each a vast entity in its own right, decided to colonize a planet to undertake some research on behalf of the Source. One of you volunteered to serve as the consciousness of the planet. The group helped this being to systematically densify its energy down through the dimensions.
Meanwhile, the rest of you were conceiving the blueprints for the various life-forms that would occupy the planet, to be chemically encoded in what you call DNA. And by successive stepdowns in frequency over eons of time, the planetry consciousness burst through an energy barrier into the solid form you know as planet Earth.
Over vast periods of your elapsed time, these beings continued to create lower frequecy projections of themselves, still nowhere near physical yet. Slowly these projections experimented with even lower frequency forms of themselves to produce what, those with psychic vision, would call fifth-dimentional and astral forms.
Again, slowly over eons, you, as one of these beings, experimented further with DNA to directing energy to dencify more into standing waves of energy to form semi-visible "light" bodies.
Finally, in a brilliant act of creativity, you burst through the dimensional barrier to create the physical structures of subatomic particles, atoms, and molecules within standing wave envelops that you also conceived. You could still disolve these forms at will and project different ones.
So you played for immeasurable periods, at no time identifying with your increasingly physical projections. You knew that these etheral bodies were just energy fields that you created, and into which you radiated energy for the fun of it.
As you pushed further, these projected forms became more visible (as you would use the term), but there was as yet, no one consensus shape. (You might appreciate the playful nature of the Source— always pushing to be creative and to know itself through what it can do.)
In order to experiment further, you took a bold step— you projected your consciousness into these forms. This allowed you to interact with yourselves in wholly new ways impossible at the higher frequencies where you knew only unity. You allowed your consciousness to reside in these ever-densifying phyisical forms for longer periods of time.
Consciousness now had two vantage points, fifth-dimensional and physical, and you were fully aware in each form of yourselves in the other form, but there was no perception of separateness between them.
Now this big party of self-expression was great fun. New types of energy fields were tried. For example, you established different fields in order to explore emotions and thought seperately. And, most important, you gave your projections almost an aoutonomy, a freedom to be stand-alone entities in their own right.
This split into two simultaneous vantage points was the crucial turning point in the story. (By now, history had rolled on to just a few hundred thousand years ago.) The consciousness in each of these autonomous forms was still fully aware of its spirit nature, and separateness was not even a conceivable thoughtform— the mental construct just did not exist.
At this point, the planet was literally your biblical Garden of Eden. The concept of death was not even possible because if you got bored with one physical form, you simply dematerialized it, rolled your consciousness back up into your fifth-dimensional frequency, and projected anoter form.
Along he way, you switched from energy projection to a physical birth process and decided on a basic body shape for the species' rapidly densifying physical form. Your legends are full of ancient memories of some of the variety of shapes predating this standardization.
Over thousands of years, you, as Spirit, slowly became fascinated with the intensity of the sensations possible in these now physical forms, and your emotional and mental fields became more centered in the lower fields rather than the spirit field.
The intensity and richness of emotional experience was totally enthralling, and the sensations that came from being in a dense form were very seductive. You know the story from here— the birth of the Ego.
You initially intended that the outer ego-self would act as the information gathering interface with the physical plane on behalf of your spirit-oriented self which would continue to make decisions about what was real and what to do in the moment.
As the experiment proceeded over the millennia, the outward looking ego began to form its own ideas about reality, and to refer less and less back to the inward-looking spirit-self.
The outer ego became stronger, and its identity began to shift from inner states to outer states of being. As a result of this shift, the ego began to color what it preceived and judge it good or bad according to physical sensation. Thus the inward looking self began to be fed "pre-digested" information.
The ego's emotional and mental sensitivity to the energy of the spirit field waned as the energy of the physical field became more the focal point. The once simultaneous dual vantage points became separate points of consciousness, and the lower frequency, physical oriented vantage point lost sight of the spiritual.
Over the next few millenia, the perseptive gap widened to the point that the lower vantage point began to either doubt the existance of the higher or to project it outside of itself as an external being. Thus you split your perception of who you were, and the concept of gods was created as mankind could no longer relate the the vast, multi-dimentional beings as part of itself.
The only way to reconcile with the inner voices, the impulses from Spirit, and the memory of being far more than a limited human being was to project your vast, powerful, and all-loving natures out on to beings that you, as a species, created for the purpose. You continued to receive messages and feel the love from your inner spirit-selves, but ascribed it as coming from your external gods.
To finally drive in the wedge between Spirit snd personality, you conceived of a brilliant veil— shame. By building the vibration of shame into the very cells of your body, you finally acheived a complete sense of separation, and the Spirit being you once knew yourself to be became a phantom memory, easily dispelled by the harsh light of your new reality.
You then preceived of yourself as a personality, not even knowing that you were cut off from Spirit, because you'd forgotten about ever having been a unity. You externalized that vast, heroic part of yourself into a deity that you created. And the shame ensured that you saw yourself as unworthy in the eyes of this fabricated deity.
So, over time, you became seperate, isolated in a big bag of skin, looking out at a Universe you no longer understood, trapped in time and space, with death as the only way out. All you had to help you figure it out was a set of learned responses called a personality.
Please remember that you planned all of this from the beginning. You, as one of the group of beings that designed this experiment, had decided to see how far you could separate your perceptions from your nature— pure Spirit. Enormous ingenuity was required to design and create the veils that were to separate the dimensions, so that you would incarnate with no memory of who you really ARE.
As part of this veiling, your collective spirit-functions took a decision that was to affect every incarnation for the next two hundred thousand years and completely alter the nature, purpose, and content of human life on this planet. You invented Karma!