Flower of Life Geometric Symbol

The Game of Separation

Spiritual Fundamentals for Your Reality Creation Quest


Dear Fellow Traveller,

Rider Waite 'The Moon' Tarot Card Image

“You see, in this world, there are two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns and those who dig.” ~ The Good, Bad and the others Ugly.

Some people use band-aids and treat symptoms. Some address the wound and treat the causes. Some brush by greatness, others sustain greatness.

We can raise our personal frequency in myriad ways; however, the goal could be to sustain a certain degree of frequency instead. Low vibe stuff needs to be let go of, like weights holding us down, in order to sustain our efforts in expanding our consciousness and raise our frequency.  

Shadow work isn’t a quick fix, like listening to a vibrating bowl, or wearing an amethyst necklace. It’s a method for healing, by addressing the root causes of our characters diss-eases.

Consider this book a framework that you can add your knowledge too. I’m not advocating to change your life; rather, provide your character with more Points Of View, so you can make knowledgable, informed descisions.  

Imagine before your character was placed on the game board, you planned out your journey. You created a blue-print for influencing certain experiences.  Now imagine that the “blue-print” is being projected by a part of yourself, onto a 3 dimensional screen, where your character acts out a story.

Your character is conscious of itself too.  Just like the part of yourself projecting the “Image.”  The only difference between the two focal points of consciousness is a deliberate inducing of amnesia for the character at birth, making it unaware, or unconscious of the parts of it that are projecting said character.  

Just to make things interesting.

This book has two sections. Mental Work and Emotional Work.

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 18:3

Now let’s change the word “Work” to “Practice”. Allow ourself to be like little children and have fun; instead of, working like fools at something we don’t want to do.

A piano virtuoso practices the piano with joy and enthusiasm. A young athlete practices her skills. A martial artist, always the learner, never the master, practices his art.

So too is the art of character and reality creation. Playing a character is a lot like playing an instrument.  It takes balance, harmony, rhythm and ratio.  

So, you've had enough and feel you want the journey to come to conclusion.

A spiritual journey can be many things, defined in many ways. Since before I can remember, I’ve consciously endeavoured to take ALL the different “things” being said about Spirituality and see how they fit together as a whole.

As each spiritual “thing” caught my attention, I viewed it as a puzzle piece and when I ‘processed’ certain things together, like building a puzzle, I trained my self to OBSERVE a larger picture, consequently expanding my consciousness in the same process.

However; I soon realized that some of the puzzle pieces I needed to balance out the whole, were hidden behind all the 'things' I was avoiding in my day to day.

My character in the game is akin to; 'Spirit in action.' my day to day activities are showing me what I'm projecting outward, from my own inner thoughts, emotions, and the widly overlooked necessity of our own breath.

Upon accepting this truth, I knew I would need courage to accept responsibility for my day to day experiences. Observe everything I was doing, not just taking time aside to observe things when I was in meditation, because many of the puzzle pieces I was looking for, could only be found in my day to day experiences.

Sleep walking through my day, or being distracted from my SELF, meant that I was missing out on a lot of the things I needed to raise my frequency and expand my consciousness. But, that understanding wasn’t able to come about until I had gathered enough clues, to piece together, in order to SEE that larger picture. It’s kind of a chicken and egg thing.

When I decided to incorporate my spiritual practice into my day to day, I WAS able to gather enough clues with nothing but observation. SEEING that larger picture gives me ample motivation to journey along a Spiritual path, because regardless what I need to learn, or do, to serve the light, surrendering to Spirits process makes things easier.

See the Larger Picture

Rider Waite 'Wheel of Fortune' Tarot Card Image

The widest perspective is found by looking inside myself. Its our own thoughts, feelings, and behavioral practices that project outward for My 'character,' in the game. My character is a conscious focal point for the multi dimentional Being that I AM in my totality. An inword focal point is like being in the exact center of a sphere, looking outward in every conceivable direction, essentially turning ALL subjective Points of View into ONE objective POV.

Secondly, I knew I’d need a shit tonne of faith, because at that point I hadn’t a clue what the big picture looked like, but needed to trust there was one in order to work toward it, without knowing what the outcome would look like. That took a few years of mental gymnastics to figure out all on it’s own.

So my major contribution to the story involves showing people how to fit pieces together, in order to see the finished puzzle. In this letter you’ll find some of the “clues,” or “puzzle pieces” I’ve gathered regarding shadow work, and easy ways to incorporate a spiritual practice into your day to day affairs; instead of, ONLY taking time away from daily affairs to work on spirituality.

Endeavouring to do so, is what brings about the changes we desire in our societal experiences. You project the reality you are experiencing with thought, word and deed. To adjust the outward experience happens when you adjust the polarity of your own vibe, and I’m going to show you just how easy it is to do that, by understanding two words. Power and Force. But it may take a bit of writing and reading to get there.

The “Control Mechanism” creates an environment of low vibratory frequencies in a myriad of ways. Creating a ‘field’ of energy contained within a certain ‘band width.’ ALL of these low vibratory frequencies are created with ‘Forceful’ means. When we get caught up, or stuck, in one of these vibratory fields we project the reality 'THEY' want to experience and really don’t care how we experience it.

They create a lot of fear, anger, frustration and so on, simply so we vibrate at a certain low frequency that FEEDS them, allowing the survival, of not only they’re control mechanism, but they’re very own existence. I encourage you to observe what they’re doing; instead of, believing it as YOUR reality. It’s the reality THEY want. Don’t comply with what THEY want. Don’t allow your SELF to get distracted.

Lets start with one of my favourite quotes, breaking it down into a list, then add a few pieces here and there and see if we can’t see “things” a little more clearly. For fun let’s agree; the quote below is the shortest way to bring the journey to conclusion, but also agree that it represents an ‘extremity’ of all the infinite ways to reach home. ie. The Shortest Way.

Now if there is the shortest way, there must also be: The Longest Way. Our personal journey represents where we lie in ‘degree’ to one of these poles at they’re extremity. The closer I push my self toward the extremities listed below, like a seed pushes itself through the soil to reach the light, the quicker, I’ll ascend into my Christ Consciousness. ie. Return home, free of all struggle.

REMEMBER: There isn’t any right or wrong. Only ‘polar opposites’ in seek of balance.

Polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” ~ The Kybalion

Maintain the State of Undistractedness

Rider Waite 'Strength' Tarot Card Image

Maintain the state of undistractedness, and distractions will fly away. Dwell alone, and you shall find the Friend. Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest. Hasten slowly, and you shall soon arrive. Renounce all worldly goals, and you shall reach the highest Goal. If you follow this unfrequented path, you will find the shortest way. If you realize Sunyata (the absolute Emptiness), compassion will arise within your hearts. When you lose all differentiation between yourself and others, then you will be fit to serve others. ~ Tibetan Yogi Jetsun Milarepa (c. 1052-c. 1135 CE)

    1. Maintain the state of undistractedness, and distractions will fly away.

      All the bread and circus act as distractions. Again, observe how they make you think, feel, and act. Once we understand that these various distractions haven’t any substance, it becomes easy to disregard them knowing what they are intending to do.

      Keep us away from our SELVES. Which doesn’t mean we can’t and won’t, distract our selves from time to time, just observe and be aware of when you’re doing so, so things don’t become an unconscious habit and the distractions WILL fly away because you’ll KNOW you don’t have to be distracted, you can always choose to be with your Self. Conscience of your own inner world.

    2. Dwell alone, and you shall find the Friend.

      This is all about being with your SELF. Paying attention to how you think feel and act. In this process, we train ourselves how to discern our own choice, from the choices others are forcing upon us. The Friend is your own Christ Self, found within yourself. Pay attention ONLY to your breathing when you meditate, soon you'll know what I'm talking about.

    3. Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.

      This has to do with the Hermetic law of Rhythm: “Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates” ~ The Kybalion

      With this puzzle piece, we can let go of fear, for no matter how dark things become, we always have the opposite to look forward to. So allow joy and gratitude throughout your struggles, for they are a harbinger of brilliant things to come.

    4. Hasten slowly, and you shall soon arrive.

      Patience, patience and more patience. There is a reason why patience is a virtue. Now is NOW. You will see things differently when YOU choose to see things differently. Home exists right this instant. It is our individual focus and forgetfulness that keep us tethered to this dense reality. When we STOP wondering when we’ll arrive... that’s when we’ll know we’re home.

    5. Renounce all worldly goals, and you shall reach the highest Goal.

      I’m reminded of Delores Cannon here. She said that we have all come here to learn how to manipulate energy. “Matter,” or third dimensional worldly goals are nothing but manifestations of very dense energy. Train yourself to manifest light energy instead. That’s what you’re here for. Then you’ll soon realize manifesting material ‘stuff’ is as easy as turning on a light switch. By then you probably won’t have much interest in material ‘things’ though, because at that point you won’t want or need for anything. You already have everything.

    6. If you follow this unfrequented path, you will find the shortest way.

      Ya...not many I can recall from recorded history that have taken this route. Although; ascended Masters do come to mind. Figures such as Buddha, Jesus, St. Germain and Master Lanto. It could be that, such an adept need not be famous, maybe the opposite, as a person of this level of commitment and faith would have nothing to prove.

      In his book, Hawkins says that 1 in 100 million (Or something absurd like that) souls reach a state of enlightenment. My argument has always been that the reason for these low numbers are simply because people haven’t been instructed how to do it. Lots of puzzle pieces lying around, but not many people have set the puzzle together, because they didn’t stop to consider that ALL they know, is but part of little.

    7. If you realize Sunyata (the absolute Emptiness), compassion will arise within your hearts.

      I don’t know how many times I have to say this.. Sunyata is found within your deepest breathing. When you can immerse yourself into your own breath, only considering the resistance, or lack there of, of your inhales and exhales. When the path is free of all obstruction, then and only then will you know peace and love for all that is.

    8. When you lose all differentiation between yourself and others, then you will be fit to serve others.

      This was my final bit of Karma. I often wonder how fast things got out of balance with the belief of ‘Better Than / Worse Than’ and then how many lifetimes it took me afterwards to get things back into balance! Sometimes it's very difficult to look in the mirror and see myself in the world around me.

      All the criticisms we splash around, meant to signal something within ourselves that we are each battling, are often ignored (ignorance), or dismissed (arrogance). The key to forgiveness is gratitude. When we can be grateful toward those who harm us, or show us ourselves, because they performed THEY’RE role just so we could grow and reach the light, and will do so for as long as it takes in order for us to learn ourselves.

      Then you will truly have arrived with a deep sense of shame too for thinking ill of them, because you'll now know, on a Soul level, they sacrificed they’re own peace in a selfless act of love, just to help you learn your lesson.

How can we use this list in conjunction with our day to day?

Rider Waite 'Temperance' Tarot Card Image

For fun, let's make the list above our goal, and the list below a method for helping achieve our goal without becoming hermits, or needing to go through massive personal upheaval to get there. It’s the old question:

“What did Buddha do before she became a Buddha? She washed dishes. What did she do after she became a Buddha? She washed Dishes.” It does not matter what you DO in your day to day that will help you reach enlightenment, it only matters how well you observe what you do.

I contend that our inner world projects outward, reflecting back to us, against the ‘Things’ we see in our experiences. The inner world consists of three things; thoughts, feelings and breathing. The trinity of Thought, Word, Deed.

To have an experience, all three things must happen, whether or not they happen in balance and ratio is a different story. All “problems” are simply Things out of balance. They happen because we are unaware, or otherwise un-conscious of one, or all parts . Being conscious of the trinity allows Things back into ballance.

REMEMBER: Life isn’t something you do, it’s something you allow. Shadow work; therefore, is just another thing to allow by paying attention to your inner world during your day to day experiences and interactions with things reflecting your inner projections back to you.

One more step before we get to the list below. First, let’s define a our understanding of ‘shadow work’ so we can use the list below with some confidence. Not only that, incorporating the list into your day to day, becomes our new To-Do list. You’ll find that allowing your Self to grow, trumps all the little mundane tasks we all use to keep these corporeal frames on the game board, because its the powerful and natural way to live according to who you are in the ultimate sense.

Shadows: The dense aspects within each of us that ‘weigh’ us down. No matter how much we raise our frequency with spiritual practise, it’s a challenge to sustain things, let alone go even higher, because there still remains dense, low vibe, ‘stuff’ we need to let go of. Think of a hot air balloon, tethered to the ground, The ropes (beliefs/shadows) must be let go of, in order that we sail into the air and observe a wider perspective.

Think of shadow’s as ‘Forceful’ ‘Things.” What we want to do in our day to day is transform ALL those forceful things in our lives into powerful things, just by changing our point of view of the same thing. There is a forceful way to do things that holds us back, and there are powerful EQUIVALENTS that set us free.

When we criticize, we can use the words we are using to criticize as an indicator of one of our own shadows. Some things will be much harder to shine light on than others. That’s why there are other virtues hero’s need, such as strength and courage.

The key thing to remember; when you see a shadow...STOP and make damn sure you ask yourself: “What AM I to learn, remember, or remind myself, from this experience?”

Where is the light coming from? Within? Or Without?

For me it was always easy to discern the direction because my first teacher told me always listen to my heart. “The heart always knows,” she would say. If my heart was all astir I always knew to stop and pay attention, that there was something about the shadow before me that I needed to understand. If the feeling was somewhere other than my heart chakra, after sighting one, I also new to leave sleeping dogs lay. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Sometimes it takes a lot of examples for our guides to get the message through though. Thus those feedback loops people talk about. But with the list below you can have a reference for anytime you catch yourself criticizing, and with a bit of courage and determination you can adjust your POV from a forceful one into a powerful one, raising your frequency, and expanding your consciousness in the same easy process.

REMEMBER: Our outward reality is a reflection of what we are projecting from within. Criticism helps us identify the Forceful things we are projecting. Once you transform the forceful ‘Word” into it’s powerful equivalent, those types of people and experiences won’t show up in your reality anymore.

I mean shit is still going to be happening, but now you’re just observing the shit, instead of participating in it.

Example: Say you come across a person you think is condescending. You catch yourself and realize you just criticized someone. Often the criticism is just some kind of broad dislike. With introspection, narrow it down to one word, then take the word over to the list and I bet you find it on the “Forceful” side of the ledger. That is what you don’t like about yourself, and the brave soul you just criticized was handing you a flashlight!

If you choose to accept the flashlight and look at the opposit pole of condescention you can simply choose to BE more Argreeable instead. If you're having trouble differentiating the difference between the two poles, make an intention to find out by asking out load for the universe to help you understand.

ie. "Yo' God. can you show me the differnce here?" Then pay attention to your experiences because the universe, God, your guides, etc. WILL show you, but the form used to show you can not be expected.

Rider Waite 'The Hanged Man' Tarot Card Image

The universe has an infinate array of ways to show you that your character may not be privy too. Your guidance may come from a book someone left behind at the coffee shop, or from a poster on social media, or an old movie that pops into your memory for no explicable reason. My favourite way to get clarification is to use Tarot cards. Regardless, once you set the intention... Pay Attention because the universe IS listening to your request for clarification.

REMEMBER: Intention is what comes before 'Things' manifest in your reality, but intention only works without expectation. Simply make your intentions known, then pay attention to the world around you for the reply, without haveing a specific way in MIND for the universe to reply.

Also remember, your reflection, ie. The person you’re critistisizing, may be condescending within a certain circumstance, that you yourself are NOT condescending in, but rest assured with a little introspection you WILL find other, or maybe even similar circumstances and situations where you yourself are a condescending person.

Don’t beat yourself up over it. When you DO get the lesson you’ll know you got it because you’re going to feel shame. Shame is the biggest thing people avoid IMHO. It’s like taking a bite of a shit sandwich...who wants to do that? But I garantee any amount of shame, or humility that you do feel will act in a cathardic manner, freeing you from a lifetime, or many lifetimes, of needless weight you've been carrying around, like giant chain necklesses on your shoulders.

Side Note: Shame always feels like you shit your pants. It can be identified in your base chakra. Avoiding the sensation of shame is very very common. It will feel like your clenching your but cheeks together, accompanied with a tightness in your belly, like when you're on a long raod trip without a bathroomn in site, but you KNOW "you gotta go!" but just can't right this instance. When you finally releive yourself...it's relief! ie Re-Life.

Power vs. Force

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. Power vs Force

The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior pg. 146-147

It may be Wise to remember that any Label can create attachment, and Divinity creates both sides of duality. However ascension signifies alignment with Power, out of Force. All Forces can be transformed into Power with love and kindness. Remaining aligned to Divinity is accomplished by quieting the mind, expressing gratitude, and allowing yourself to BE.

Abundant - Excessive

Accepting - Rejecting

Admitting - Denying

Aesthetic - Artsy

Agreeable - Condescending

Allowing - Controlling

Appreciative - Envious

Approving - Critical

Attractive - Seductive

Authoritative - Dogmatic

Aware - Preoccupied

Balanced - Extreme

Beautiful - Glamorous

Being - Having

Believing - Insisting

Brilliant - Clever

Candid - Calculating

Carefree - Frivolous

Challenged - Impeded

Charitable - Prodigal

Cheerful - Manic

Cherishing - Prizing

Choosing-to - Having-to

Civil - Formal

Concerned - Judgmental

Conciliatory - Inflexible

Confident - Arrogant

Confronting - Harassing

Conscious - Unaware

Considerate - Indulgent

Constructive - Destructive

Contending - Competing

Courageous - Reckless

Defending - Attacking

Democratic - Dictatorial

Detached - Removed

Determined - Stubborn

Devoted - Possessive

Diplomatic - Deceptive

Doing - Getting

Educating - Persuading

Egalitarian - Elitist

Empathetic - Pitying

Encouraging - Promoting

Energetic - Agitated

Enlivening - Exhausting

Envisioning - Picturing

Equal - Superior

Erotic - Lustful

Essential - Apparent

Eternal - Temporal

Ethical - Equivocal

Excellent - Adequate

Experienced - Cynical

Fair - Scrupulous

Fertile - Luxuriant

Flexible - Rigid

Forgiving - Resenting

Free - Regulated

Generous - Petty

Gentle - Rough

Gifted - Lucky

Giving - Taking

Global - Local

Gracious - Decorous

Grateful - Indebted

Harmonious - Disruptive

Healing - Irritating

Helpful - Meddling

Holistic - Analytical

Honest - Legal

Honoring - Enshrining

Humble - Diffident

Humorous - Somber

Impartial - Righteous

Ingenious - Scheming

Inspired - Mundane

Intentional - Calculating

Intuitive - Literal

Inventive - Prosaic

Inviting - Urging

Involved - Obsessed

Joyful - Pleasurable

Just - Punitive

Kind - Cruel

Leading - Coercing

Liberating - Restricting

Long-term - Immediate

Loyal - Chauvinistic

Merciful - Permissive

Modest - Haughty

Natural - Artificial

Noble - Pompous

Nurturing - Draining

Observant - Suspicious

Open - Secretive

Optimistic - Pessimistic

Orderly - Confused

Outgoing - Reserved

Patient - Avid

Patriotic - Nationalistic

Peaceful - Belligerent

Polite - Obsequious

Powerful - Forceful

Praising - Flattering

Principled - Expedient

Privileged - Entitled

Prolific - Barren

Purposeful - Desirous

Receiving - Grasping

Releasing - Tenacious

Reliant - Dependent

Requesting - Demanding

Respectful - Demeaning

Responsible - Guilty

Satisfied - Sated

Selective - Exclusive

Serene -Dull

Serving - Ambitious

Sharing - Hoarding

Significant - Important

Sober - Intoxicated

Spontaneous - Impulsive

Spiritual - Materialistic

Steadfast - Faltering

Striving - Struggling

Surrendering - Worrying

Tender - Hard

Thoughtful - Pedantic

Thrifty - Cheap

Timeless - Faddish

Tolerant - Prejudiced

Tractable - Contrary

Trusting - Gullible

Truthful - False

Unifying - Dividing

[Selfless] - Selfish

Valuing - Exploitative

Virtuous - Celebrated

Warm - Feverish

This method for going about your shadow work is mostly a "mental" endevour. It helps you recognize the thoughts you're projecting into the consensus reality. Or, collective consciousness if you prefer. However, "seeing" your own thoughts objectively won't necessarily stop them from popping into your mind.

Once they pop into your mind, regardless if you're aware of them, they will become part of what you're projecting outward and remain a part odf your reality. For example, lets say you just can't stop thinking about a person who did you wrong in some way.